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Posts posted by ressurectionx

  1. Nah.... people have known about that team homepage for 2 years now man. That's not where the real Xtras are. Got some links there to get you started though :)


    Me and BP are more like frenimies. I'm not immune to his ability to push people over the edge, but I usually do try to help others from ganging up on him as well. His R5 stuff is part of my collection since it's personally my favorite arcade emu on any system. I don't use it at all for console games though.

  2. I put this in my own thread, but wanted to make sure everyone saw it......








    2 things I've decided for sure on.....


    1) Saves will be in RAR files. It will be your responsibility to unzip these redicululously large collections of files on your own. It just made the torrents too unbearable to sit through creating and I would imagine the same for actually using them. For most systems this won't even matter, given the fact that Madmab has made the option to use a default setting on the emus and most don't need to be configured beyond the default. Every other category is just as you would upload to your Xbox.


    Just be sure not to delete the RAR file after you unzip everything. The torrent will ignore all 742 of the Save folders it makes for Atari 2600. (I know my instructions in the save folder said to delete the RAR, but disregard that. I will update all future torrent instructions to say to keep the zip. Even if you FTP the zip to your box and don't delete it, it's only 1.5MB.)


    2) There will be 1 t0rrent per system. There is no way we can do this all in one torrent, so I see no reason why to combine any of them. Each will be a separate download. This should make it much easier for the future workers on these systems to put out updates without having to break the download for every single system.







    Atari 2600 is out. Don't be one of those people who PM me about a link because you will be ignored. Consider this a scavenger hunt.











    EDIT: Oh... by the way..... We turned a 3.08MB romset into a 2.52GB affair.


    Nowhere else will you find such a complete set that could turn a Floppy Disk into a DVD :)

  3. Though that quote did annoy me as well, that wasn't the particular one I was referring to. I'd go and dig it up, but I'm busy working on my end and we all know you probably deleted it by now and nobody would know because they gave you privileges to edit your posts and hide it from everyone else that you did.


    Bottom line. I don't want to hear from people on my team second hand that you're talking about us. I haven't been to this site in about a month, but somebody sent a link to all the arrogant and ignorant stuff you were saying today, and it's not appreciated.


    I've done nothing but defend you when people (a lot of them) attack you, and you continually do this back to me.


    Keep that shit to yourself and we'll stay out of each other's way.

  4. You really are a lame piece of work man. The biggest asshole I've ever met while being a part of the emulation scene. I'll stay out of your thread. I just don't want to hear from anybody else that you're talking about me or my work or my team in anymore.

  5. I'm still waiting for that apology.


    I've even defended you at other places for "stealing" a lot of your work before. And this is how you repay me, by insulting me in an argument I'm not a part of . This isn't the first time you've done this to me.

  6. Yes sir...thank you rx its been great :)


    RX go into thread tracking data :) its easy to find....and then make up your mind about readership....your stuff or mystuff? tell you what ill give you a 10:1 advantage and see who owns who

    as you will need this for all the I want CoinOPS stopped, cause I feel insecure about my product posts


    Quoting this because I have no idea what it means or what relevance it has to anything.

  7. P.S. hypicryt is actually spelled hypocrite in English.



    Nobody on our team is hypocritical though. All due thanks have been given where they were deserved. Sources will be released (for you to steal) when the public betas are released. My sincerest apologies to everyone since we haven't felt the need to put out a new emulator ever 2 weeks with a new name to keep the oral pleasure going on that frequently happens in here.


    When we're ready for release, we're ready for release. Where you cater to a group of people who need instant gratification, I cater to people who work together to achieve perfection. We just haven't released anything officially yet since we're striving for that perfection.


    It's very close though..... :)


    Sure, yours is the most downloaded emulator, BP. That's because there's a new version with a new name every lunar cycle.







    I'm looking forward to how you steal our stuff and integrate it into your own. I for one am a huge fan of somebody making a single emulator that can play everything and I hope you get it done. Just be sure to give some fucking nods where they're deserved, and in the future don't go insulting some other people (like me) who work really hard when you're having a petty bullshit argument about something. When you do that shit in a public forum you have to know that eventually people you didn't mean to read that shit will read it.




  8. dude I dont care what you do....its public domain....its easy to understand im not hypicryt like you guys....use it mod it....please dont tell me your skilled and helping the project...but mod it anyway you want


    Just quoting this now so you can't change it without people noticing.


    I'm watching you. :)

  9. lol steal what ever of mine you want as its public domain.....im not a hypicryt and say dont use it, im all for open stuff it really is do what you want with it :) most of mame and console stuff was created years ago in in its basis and this is the way it gets better. But I need to see the doctor about my imagination as I steal 90percent when I actually cant remember doing it and thought I coded alot of it...a doctor is sorely needed for that one....im delusional



    PS remember to listen to RX!!!! dont delete CoinOPS now....its hard to know what to do in such a confusing world....I would say this, follow what your heart tells you and dont listen to anyone....your heart wont let you down....second option is listen to us, we can tell you :) lol its not as free a world as you think...our jedi mind tricks might make you do something you dont want....like move...or remove something or add something....man life is complexed when our jedi mind control takes over




    LOL. .. damn dude. I'm just going to quote you before you post from now on since you change everything.


    I never once said your work was shit. I think it's great. But I know how much you steal and how you hurt anyone who is trying to help other people. You take and take and make everything your own and then insult anyone who isn't working directly with you.



    It's sad, really.... :)

  10. I'm not stealing anything BP. I'm including your R5 emu in my release, which has been a public release for a long time. I used the datfile to get the roms myself from other sources, I've gotten HD videos from pCe and Bigby helped me collect all the necessary Boxart.


    My Arcade romset is the only one which contains a shared folder with FBL roms that saves 1.5GB of hard drive space for those who want both systems on their hard drive.


    You should really consider handling artwork as well as videos at the same time in your emu. FBL does this great and it's really cool looking at a large video preview with images of the Arcade, Screenshots, Cpanel, marquee and flyer on the side.

  11. No need to delete CoinOPS people. It is, by far, the best Arcade emulator out there. I've always said so, and I support CoinOPS R5 in my release alongside FBL 1.3.


    Otherwise, it's inferior for consoles and always will be unless drastic changes are made to the interface/skins (and, of course, unless of the Rx 1.0 gets stolen. Trust me... after BP's posts today, anything he uses of mine is without my permission, although I know that won't stop him.).




    Unlike BP, I am able to admit the worth of his efforts. Even if he did steal 90% of his work, he's done a great job getting things to work together. I've always respected his ability to get things done.


    If only he wasn't such a dick about it, right?

  12. Dude...


    Why do you choose to say stuff to piss everybody around you off that would otherwise be more than happy to help you?


    You choose to steal that which would be given to you freely. You choose to mock those which would help you.


    I've never even been able to wrap my head around your ignorance and arrogance. It's just fucking epic. Aside from you, I can honestly say, that I've never met anyone who strokes his own ego like a monkey stroking his cock to the Bananna Channel.


    Congrats BP. You're a new breed. Ignoramus Asexualitus


    You're sick dude. Get some help.

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