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Captain FuKu

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Posts posted by Captain FuKu

  1. Fear makes people do very irrational things -- and it makes them very dangerous. So while it's apparent in most robberies that their main concern is getting your valuables and making it outta there (not intentionally trying to hurt you and derive pleasure from it), they are afraid, so they are dangerous.

    Same goes for those who fear to be attacked, they can be very dangerous. That is exactly why people should not fear being attacked too much, and by all means should not carry a gun.

    Other reasons would be to preserve their nerves from unnecessary distress, and to prevent another weapon from being stolen and ending up in the street.

    Okay, now you're just arguing for the sake of argument. Earlier I pointed out why people need to be prepared and arm themselves with my supported reasons, but you come back with a simple "same goes for those who fear to be attacked, they can be very dangerous." Who's trying to rob who here? Let's keep that in perspective first before we start defending the robbers here.


    So if someone threatened you with a weapon, demanding you hand over your cash and your expensive watch. What are you gonna do?


    If you find yourself in such a situation, I really doubt you'd be worried about "prevent[ing] another weapon from being stolen and ending up in the street."


    No, you'd be desparately trying to think up ways to get yourself out of that situation with your skin intact -- and hopefully with none of your valuables robbed as well. So please don't BS with this show of "oh-but-carrying-weapons-will-be-only-adding-to-the-violence-in-the-world" because if your possesions and your LIFE is ever under threat by some punk, we all know that any such idealistic notions go flying out the window.

  2. Yeah, I am aware that most robbers aim is not to kill someone, but to (of course) rob you of your valuables.


    But you see, what makes them dangerous is the fact that they are afraid. They are afraid of getting caught, they are worried they may not "get away with it", they are afraid someone may see them...all these things must run through their mind as they're hoping to make it out of there with your valuables and not get punished for it (whatever that may be). "Oh please, please, let this bi*ch just had over the cash and I can get outta here...c'mon, c'mon. I hope he doesn't see through me; hope he doesn't see how nervous I am." so on and so on


    Fear makes people do very irrational things -- and it makes them very dangerous. So while it's apparent in most robberies that their main concern is getting your valuables and making it outta there (not intentionally trying to hurt you and derive pleasure from it), they are afraid, so they are dangerous.

  3. Fu*k trying to learn martial arts or any of that sh*t. If you find yourself in a dangerous situation, you 1) bust out a knife or a gun and kill or be killed or 2) run like hell.


    So, invest in a quality folding knife and carry with you everywhere (I do), and you may also want to check into your local gun laws and get yourself a gun.

    yes, by all means lets get MORE guns out there on the streets! ;)


    i swear to god, people are so paranoid.

    It's not being paranoid, it's being cautious. There are some really fu*ked up violent people in this world; folks who don't give a sh*t about you and who are more than willing to kill you and rob from you. That is reality.


    But I guess some of us just cannot grasp this until they have become a victim -- or if unfortunate enough, they die on the encounter; but it's too late by then. To each his own.

  4. Fu*k trying to learn martial arts or any of that sh*t. If you find yourself in a dangerous situation, you 1) bust out a knife or a gun and kill or be killed or 2) run like hell.


    So, invest in a quality folding knife and carry with you everywhere (I do), and you may also want to check into your local gun laws and get yourself a gun.

  5. Wipe out the human mind. Thought is the root of all human suffering and carnage.


    whoa that's harsh. what would you replace it with, a borg-style collective consciousness or plant-like growth reflexes? yOu WiLl Be AsSiMiLaTeD bIaTcH

    I wouldn't know -- no one would. With our minds wiped clean...we don't know. That's the beauty of it. :P

  6. LOL You know Fatal, somehow I knew it all along... I mean, c'mon: all those threads glorifying your sense of vanity and desperately attempting to convince members here of your desirability to the opposite sex -- as well as other men. :P I held myself back before, but yeah, it's very obvious.


    Anyway, back on topic: I chose to stay in "heaven/hell" dispite the fact that none of us here genuinely knows if there is another "place" after this life. We are all still alive, aren't we? But whether there is something after this life, or just nothing, I'll just stay that way.

  7. I assume you guys are talking about the imported ones from Japan... From what I read on SRK it seems the japanese release is 3S and some sort of game guide with the artworks and frame data. The US release comes in a bundle with SF:AC and 3S, but not the Japanese release since their AC came out months before (last dec. I think).


    Yeah, so I'll probably wait till next month for the bundle pack cuz I don't just want 3S alone.


    BTW, I don't think anyone's mentioned yet but isn't the game supposed to have both the original arcade version, as well as the fixed version (DC version), and you can switch between the two? So, it's not just another copy of the DC version. It's better because you can switch between the original arcade release version and the fixed. But of course, most casual players don't give a sh*t....

  8. Well, I'm kinda pissed that a good friend of mine will eventually be stationed off to Iraq -- idiot signed up for it, but still...


    And aside from that, just pissed at life in general and having to have been born to live in such a miserable world. But I'm sure these feelings have been felt by everyone, and it's not special to my case alone.

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