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Posts posted by Gryph

  1. I love it.


    Want to give more detail as to why? :lol:



    I'm kind of in the middle. I believe people should do what they consider is best for themselves but I also take into consideration that a lot of people aren't in a right state of mind when they are dying. Depending on the cause, some would be dealing with pain at extreme levels and just want to get it over with but still have a chance of being cured or at least given alternatives to dealing with it.


    Well I don't love it. :D


    This is an incredibly touchy subject in the medical world.


    I pretty much feel the same way you do on this issue. If someone is very sick and in great pain they should be able to do what they want to feel better, even if it means ending their life. Patients can refuse any kind of treatment and just ask for pain killers that make the pain go away when they die but they can't ask a doctor to give them something that will kill them faster. Should doctors be able to do that? I don't think they should. I think they should make the remaining life as painless as possible and that's done through services like hospice.


    It's all very complex and my brain is too scattered right now to talk in any length about anything serious. :P

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