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Posts posted by Chaotica

  1. You don't have to be an alpha male arsehole to attract women. Just get out there, and give it a go. Keep trying.


    I have never been to see a working girl before, but I see nothing wrong with it. People can spend their money however they want.


    I wouldn't go to one to graduate from the V plates, however.

  2. I usually go all the way through a game, trying to explore and complete all side quests. This is the case even if I don't really like the game. Once I start, I have to finish it to see how it ends.


    Oh, and I don't play more then one game at a time. Forces me to complete one game before moving on to the next. That way, I don't get confused between different sets of controls.

  3. I disagree. I think there is a secret to super christian girls...


    ...in that, on the inside, they are the most dirty of them all! :D Seriously! It must have something to do with growing up repressing their sexuality or something. Many of today's porn stars were brought up in Christian/Catholic families, too!


    You just need to know how to unlock them. Which requires trial and error. *sigh*


    But maybe the religious girls in my end of the woods are different to the ones you yankees have.

  4. I had a good year.


    Got a promotion, which meant more money, and I have also taken on the responsibilities of my new role well.


    I have always wanted to write a book, and this year, I decided to take it seriously. And so, I replaced patchy sessions of on again, off again writing with consistent periods. I write almost every day now, and I have also had a few articles published this year.


    At the start of the year, I became abit distressed because my head hurt so much when I tried to read, and it was taking away one of my passions - books, especially fiction. Again, I pulled my finger out, and went to a bunch of optometrists. The third one told me that I didn't need to buy expensive glasses - I just needed to do some eye exercises for 1/2 an hour every day.


    I can now read again. I have read more books this year then in the past 5 years. The train ride to and from work has now become enjoyable (I used to loathe it) because I am lost in a book.


    I also do other exercise everyday - jogging, weights and situps.


    I travelled to Malta, Vienna, Prague and New York. All beautiful places.


    I also got some female action in my personal life, and for that I am happy.


    Right now, I am looking to buy my own house.


    Life is okay. We all grow slowly, in stages, if we allow ourselves to grow.

  5. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows od Arn on PC


    I have always wished I could get into that game. I loved BG1.


    But after finishing, and immensely enjoying, the complexity of Planescape:Torment, BGII just felt so simple and dumbed down to me. And the improvements from BG1 to BGII didn't seem to amount to much more then a facelift and some levelling tweaking.


    I will try again to get into it - again - one day.

  6. I just finished the assault the harbour level in Crysis, and I was giggling like a girl afterwards, as it left me feeling like a combination of John Rambo, Arnie and Steven Seagal.


    I thought it couldn't get better...and then I got planted into the tank battle level! Hoooleee doooleee what a level! Pure arcade bliss. People should play this game just for this stage.

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