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Posts posted by Chaotica

  1. Quake 3 is still my favourite death match game. And I still find the graphics appealing.


    Doom 3 had wonderful atmosphere, but I admit the gameplay just needed to be tweaked abit more. I felt it should have been more like Quake 4, which I thought was an absolute blast, a pleasure to play.

  2. And what exactly here is stupid aside from Cinders, Mooneys and your comments?


    This is a perfectly legit thread




    I woke up to the news, being in a different time zone to you guys. Mum came into my room. Her english isn't the best, so she tried to say what was happening in her own way, and really, it was closer then she thought. Her words were, "America is being set on fire." Creepy, aye?

  3. I finished Vampire - The Masquerade: Bloodlines with a Toreador. It was fun chatting people up and manipulating them, as was the Celerity ability.


    The first three locations have some interesting and fun levels (not to mention characters), but the game slips abit when it reaches Chinatown. However, the game's multiple endings make up for it.


    The stealth skill can be seriously abused. If you fill even half of that skill, you can crouch right in front of enemies, and they won't see you.


    I posted before that I thought this game was flawed but also brilliant, and I still feel that way. I want to complete it again as a Malkavian, because they are mad and have cool dialogue options.

  4. I am at a dilemma. I am looking for a good FPS. Have finished Quake4, pirated version of Doom3 is not working and I don't want to play HL2 series.

    What else can I play?


    Come on, d00d! There are so many fantastic FPS out there!


    I can't remember how many I've finished as it's my favourite genre, but some of my favourites are:




    Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher's Bay

    Thief 3: Deadly Shadows

    Far Cry

    Condemned: Criminal Origins


    Halo 2 (if you have a PC) or Halo 3 (if you have a Microsoft box)

    Haven't played Crysis or Bioshock yet, but by all accounts they sound good. So do the Rainbow Six: Vegas games.





    Thief 2: The Metal Age

    Deus Ex

    Duke Nukem 3d

    Chasm: The Rift


    Requiem: Avenging Angel

    System Shock 2

    Soldier of Fortune



    There are heaps more, but my memory is shithouse.

  5. I'm terrible at all RTS. I still play them because I like to see the little things die and destroy crap.


    Have you tried Dawn of War?


    I suck at most RTS games, but I'm enjoying (and becoming quite successful) at this one because it's more about battle tactics then resource management (the latter which I always find a pain in the behind). You always feel like you have a chance at winning, even when you are on the backfoot, and because your units are grouped into squads and you can reinforce them quickly and easily when you loose a squad member, you never get wiped out without a fight, even when the odds are against you.


    Oh, and it's incredibly violent, too!

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