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Posts posted by nicknicknickandnick

  1. I like to joke that wrestling is real, and that they just want us to suspect that it is fake.

    Also, I said that all the wrestlers are gay. I didn't mean it as an insult, just as something to be funny - somehow, it happens that all the wrestlers are gay.

  2. I have Zone Alarm (free) at the moment, but I've read about problems with corrupting files when using DC++. I've not noticed any problems, although I have not checked the thousands of files I got. (The main reported problem is associated with an error message that I never saw.)


    Just the same, I am likely going to switch to Tiny Personal Firewall which gets recommended a lot, because I don't want to take a chance with files shared.

  3. I gave Simpsons the edge over Futurama. Futurama has great gags in it as does Simpsons, but Futurama's flaw that is apparent in each episode is that all the characters are kind of hateful towards each other - which is funny for specific characters, but all of them every episode? That Zoidberg is pretty great though.

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