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Posts posted by nicknicknickandnick

  1. Wow, hottest temp ever was 38? Even here in Canada, famous for winter weather, it can get hotter. According to one source:

    The hottest temperature ever recorded in Canada was a sweltering

    +46 degrees Celsius in Gleichen, Alberta.


    I'm way up north, and it's under 20 degrees C nowadays.

  2. I downloaded all games from CIA (except for some bad links), demos, and most of the other stuff except cover scans. I saved pages as mht files using IE. When I get my computer back in condition (video card fan problem) I'll be sharing it for anybody who'd like to get the whole thing.

  3. Thinking up nicknames is a bit tough for me. So I put nick -- I can't recall if I was thinking "nickname" or the name of a TV character. Then I repeated it to make it less likely that someone already had it. Putting "and" makes it sound like Monty Python's spam spam spam spam spam spam and spam. I don't think I was thinking about that, but it's deep in my brain for years.

  4. He's an interesting guy, and he doesn't seem to be a nut as, for example, he believes in boosting education which has suffered in that state. (People have been demanding services like public education but don't like to pay the taxes for it so have been voting to lower taxes.)


    The recall part is a little suspicious because one major candidate with lots of money led the recall effort. I'm glad Arnold got in, because it made that guy decide to not run (they are in the same party).

  5. Update: the CIA site is no longer available, although I have read that the wayback machine at archive.org can get you some downloads, but I haven't found any that work.


    The current single largest website source of C64 games is here:



    The text is in Hungarian. To help you figure out what is what, here are my current notes translating some Hungarian words to English:


    Hungarian to English translations of some words on the Magyar Commodore 64 HQ site


    Words along the top of the main page:


    fõoldal - main

    hírek - news

    csalások - cheats

    utilityk - utilities

    köszönet - thanks, credits

    linkek - links



    Words on the Hírek page:


    bevezetõ - introduction

    linkek - links

    csalások - cheats

    doksik - documentation, instructions

    stb. - etc.

    térképek - plans, maps

    leírások - descriptions

    játékok - games

    ismertetõk - reviews

    különbözõ verziók - different versions (of games already at site)

    számok - numbers

    új - new



    Words on the Csalások page:


    használati útmutató - usage guide



    Words on the Utilityk page:


    emulátorok - emulators

    egyéb programok - other programs



    Words on the Köszönet page:


    kis hazánkból - some from your country (Hungary)

    a nagyvilágból - the ones from big world (the whole world)



    Words on the Linkek page:


    netes játékarchívumok - internet game archives

    emulátorok - emulators

    FTP archívumok - FTP archives

    cracker csapatok archívumai - contemporary cracker groups' archives

    egy játékkal foglalkozó oldalak - single-game treatment pages

    cégek összes játékával foglalkozó oldalak - company all-game treatment pages

    egy játékstílussal foglalkozó oldalak - single game genre treatment pages

    doksik, megoldások, csalások - instructions, solutions, cheats

    magyar oldalak - Hungarian pages

    egyéb oldalak - other pages



    Words on the games pages -- game file link labels:


    eredeti - original (game without cracker modification)

    ismeretlen - unknown (unknown cracker group)

    letöltés - download



    Words on the games pages -- documentation file link labels:


    billentyûk - keys (keyboard keys for game control)

    billentyûkiosztás - key assignment (see billentyûk)

    infók - info (information)

    képregény - comics

    kódok - codes

    leírás - description, documentation (solution)

    példamondatok - example sentences (for text adventure use)

    szavak listája - word list

    taktikák - tactics

    tárgyak - objects, items (where to find)

    tárgylista - object/item list

    társasjáték - board game

    térkép - map

    további infók - more info

    varázslatok - magic spells



    Words on the games pages -- game categories:


    agárverseny - greyhound racing

    akció - action

    asztalifoci - table soccer (foosball)

    asztalitenisz - table tennis (ping-pong)

    autó szimulátor - car (driving) simulator

    autós - motorist

    autóverseny - car race

    bicikliverseny - bicycle race

    biliárd - billiards, pool

    csónakverseny - boat racing

    dominó - dominoes

    élet szimuláció - life simulation

    evezés - rowing

    falbontó (felbontó) - breaking up (Breakout)

    félkarú rabló - one-armed bandit (slot machine)

    flipper - pinball

    flipperkészítõ - pinball maker (construction set)

    foci - football/soccer

    gokartverseny - go-cart racing

    gördeszka - skateboarding

    grafikus kaland - graphic adventure

    hadihajó szimulátor - warship (destroyer) simulator

    hajóverseny - boat racing

    halászás - fishing

    háztervezõ - house designer

    hegymászás - mountain climbing

    helikopter szimulátor - helicopter simulator

    játékkészítõ - game maker (construction set)

    jégkorong - ice hockey

    kaland - adventure

    kalandjáték-készítõ - adventure game maker

    kamionverseny - truck racing

    kártyajáték - card game

    képeslapkészítõ - postcard maker

    képregény - comics

    keresztrejtvény - crossword game

    készítõ - maker, game construction

    kiegészítõ - supplement (additional part for a game)

    kirakós - jigsaw puzzle

    kitalálós - guessing game

    kockajáték - dice game

    kosárlabda - basketball

    kvíz - quiz

    labirintus - labyrinth, maze

    lexikon - encyclopedia

    logikai - logic, puzzle

    lóverseny - horse race

    lövöldözõs - shoot-'em-up (shooting game)

    mesegyártó - storymaker

    mesekészítõ - storymaker

    mesekönyv - storybook

    motorcsónakverseny - motorboat racing

    motorjavítás - motor repair

    motoros - motorcycling

    motorverseny - motor race

    mozdony szimulátor - locomotive simulator

    nyomozós - detective

    oktató - educational

    pelota - hai alai

    rajzfilmkészítõ - animated cartoon maker

    rajzoló - drawing

    repülõ szimulátor - flight simulator

    rögbi - rugby, US football

    röplabda - volleyball

    rulett - roulette

    sakk - chess

    sí - skiing

    sport - sports

    stratégia - strategy

    szerencsejáték - game of chance

    szerencsejátékok - games of chance

    szerkesztõ - editor

    szimuláció - simulation

    szókitaláló - word guessing game

    szöveges kaland - text adventure

    szöveges/grafikus kaland - text/graphic adventure

    táblás játék - board game

    tank szimulátor - tank simulator

    társasjáték - parlour game

    teherautóverseny - truck (tractor trailer) racing

    tengeralattjáró szimulátor - submarine simulator

    tenisz - tennis

    teszt - test

    tolószékverseny - wheeelchair racing

    torpedó - battleship

    tûzijátékkészítõ - fireworks maker

    ûrhajó szimulátor - spaceship simulator

    utilityk - utilities

    vegyes - various, compilation

    verekedõs - beat-'em-up (fighting game)

    verseny - racing

    vitorlázás - sailing, yachting

    vetélkedõ - quiz (game) show adaptation

    vízilabda - water polo

    vízisí - water skiing



    Words on the game pages -- languages:


    angol - English

    cseh - Czech

    francia - French

    finn - Finnish

    holland - Dutch

    lengyel - Polish

    magyar - Hungarian

    német - German

    olasz - Italian

    spanyol - Spanish

    svéd - Swedish



    Words on the game pages -- miscellaneous:


    az... - it, that (no comment)

    passz - no bid, pass (no description for the game written yet)

    lemezes verzió - disk version

    kazettás verzió - cassette (tape) version

  6. Brazil is a fine film. I could have seen it in a theatre, but our group had the stupid idea of seeing some stupid slasher movie called April Fool's Day or something like that instead.


    You know what's another really odd film, but is not mentioned much at all? Kafka, with actor Jeremy Irons. At first I wasn't sure what the point was, but eventually I decided I liked the weird quality.

  7. Stairs. I'm pretty good with going down them fast, too -- if I have gloves, I can leap several stairs at a time while sliding my weight along the handrail for stability.


    In a store, I was going down an escalator, and it suddenly stopped. I almost got thrown down the thing.

  8. I've got to go with vanilla. My devotion to vanilla is so great that I get annoyed when people imply that vanilla means plain or flavourless. The flavour is really exceptional. Maybe people see the white colour and think that's plain because it's not bright red or something -- food colouring will fix that.

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