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Posts posted by Diso

  1. Probably some people want to discuss this


    Notable winners for major categories include.


    Best Picture: No country for old men

    Best Actor: Daniel Day-lewis (There will be blood)

    Best Actress: Marion Cotillard (La Vie En Rose)

    Best Supporting Actor: Javier Bardem (No Country for Old Men)

    Best Supporting Actress: Tilda Swinton (Michael Clayton)


    Best Director: Joel and Ethan Coen (No Country for Old Men)


    Another year passed. I haven't heard of many of the films nominated except the popular ones and No country. I expected no country to win 1 academy award, but it looks like they racked up quite a few. Looks like theres a few movies I'd have to watch that I missed from last year.

  2. I'm going to do one of those school assignment topic things here for research purposes. I may or may not decide to choose the particular essay topic this topic requires, but anyways, it's still interesting to see input on this


    So the question would be: Do you guys practice environmental friendly actions (ie recycling)? If yes or no, why or why not. Pretty much asking for your motives.


    Anyways, my view on environmentalism is pretty lax and uncaring. I really don't think about the environment that much when I do stuff. For example, I don't litter because I think about the years it takes to throw away styrofoam; it's more about that I don't want to put trash lying around and putting a bother on someone else. Also for recycling, if there's recycling, I just do it because it's there. Not much of the 'guilt trip' that is often described when people practice recycling duties because we consume so much and emit much gases. Also, I guess I was just 'psychologically programmed' to do it when I was young to recycle and junk like that since it wasn't much of a hinderance to perform those tasks.

  3. Like I put on the irc topic, don't complain about the lack of conversation, create some!


    ^agreed. Make some topics on your own and generate conversation. If we all just wait around for other people to make topics, you're going to get topics you don't like or are generic (to you) so you might as well create some topics about junk you do like talking about. Chances are there's going to be 1 other person who has an interest in it.

  4. I believe both coexist along each other. You have the freedom to do what you want and choose where you're going. Pretty much deciding your own destiny and stuff. The misfortunes/happy things that happen in your life are just things that just happen in your path. Plus, being destined to do something sounds cooler than explaining it with chance.


    "Oh crap that was bad luck"


    "I was destined to get a nose bleed. It serves a purpose in my life and is a life changing experience for me."


    Much more dramatic

    I object. I believe that although there is an illusion of choice, your mind comes to the same conclusion if confronted with the same circumstances. By that logic, there is no real choice, only calculated reactions to situations. It's not destiny in the mystical sense, but one could still say that all things are predetermined.


    Obviously, destiny is not in the same case as the mythological sense. I'm not sure if your mind will come to the same conclusion within the same circumstances. I guess it all depends on your way thinking whether spiritual or scientifically. Honestly though, there aren't much examples in the real world you can apply that the event was somehow predetermined. For most cases, I think most people would say it was by chance or coincidence that they were caught up in it. Only some people will say it was a test/sign by some divinity or unknown force.


    I don't personally believe in an illusion of choice myself. Sure there are many things/decisions in our life that seem to give us a choice or something (products/jobs/education for example), but could be predetermined by a collection of data given by analysts and corporations. Your overall life I believe still is chosen by yourself. We can't really say for sure that something that happens to someone (ie death/love) was predetermined or caused by choice. At least, this is what I think illusion of choice means. Correct me if I'm wrong.

  5. I'm Asian (chinese) and I play piano and violin for about 9 and 8 years respectively.


    I'm an easy going person yet I have a short temper.


    I'm able to sleep almost anywhere; I don't mind sleeping on the ground.


    I don't post my full picture because 1) I'm lazy and even though each of my roommates have cameras, I don't feel like doing it. 2) I don't like having my picture taken as random. I have no idea why.


    I'm naturally trusting of others by giving them a benefit of doubt. I'm somewhat naive as well.


    That's all I can think of. (I r kinda private too)

  6. Couldn't you beat any game by trial and error? I think by definition a hard game is something that takes multiple tries.
    I aggree, those should be considered Time Consuming , since you can beat them all trial and error. If your good with platformers or played them as a child as well, you can perfect it after a few hours like a no-brainer >.>.


    I think the definition of a hard game is like you said, you can't take the conventional way of going through it. You'd have to experiment with different strategies (ie trial and error) to find a way to beat it. It makes it fun and frustrating, but at least the game is beatable, and you improve your own skills in doing so.


    Take all those top down 2d spaceship/airplane/mecha shooter games. I think they're difficult as hell as bullets cover the entire screen, but people still find a way to memorize shooting patterns or time bombs right to be able to make it through those games. Hence, they beat it. Contra is another example. Game is hard, but fun to play and you can eventually beat it.


    A 'Time Consuming' game as Davis mentioned should be those games that are designed to have nearly impossible win rate, or designed poorly, plus they're just as bad with reasonable cheats such as infinite lives. Super Mario forever is just there to piss you off because if you miss up the momentum with Mario, you're flocked. As for games that are designed poorly, crappy hit boxes, overpowered enemies, cutscenes where the enemy can still shoot you, crap that happens as a result of the game design and it's not your fault that you died.


    and since the thread went off in a similar direction than I intended, I will plug my hard games (again):

    Target Earth

    Ghouls and Ghost

    Contra Hard Corps

  7. Mario Bros. for NES was really hard for me.


    It really was for me when I first played it, but not that long ago I played it on my friends Wii when I stayed the night, and I manged to finish it (Which I never could when I was younger and actually owned it on the NES) on my second time around using no jump portals.


    Most shooting games even on there hardest are fairly easy (and annoyingly short in most cases), I always find RPG's hard because im too lazy to spends ages training my characters other then the enemy's that are along the way, then you get to a boss and its a hassle to win, but I don't play many RPG's only ones that pull me in from the get go.


    Are you guys talking about Mario Bros. or Super Mario Bros?


    Anyways I've been playing Super Mario Bros. DX for the Game Boy Color. It rocks! if you finish the normal game Super Mario Bros. 2 Japan gets unlocked. Now that's a difficult game.

    Sounds like a couple people want to try out Super Mario Forever.




    On that note, a game designed to completely flock you over in every possible way even when you're trying to use save states (and you're given infinite lives too!) don't count as a difficult game ever.

  8. I believe both coexist along each other. You have the freedom to do what you want and choose where you're going. Pretty much deciding your own destiny and stuff. The misfortunes/happy things that happen in your life are just things that just happen in your path. Plus, being destined to do something sounds cooler than explaining it with chance.


    "Oh crap that was bad luck"


    "I was destined to get a nose bleed. It serves a purpose in my life and is a life changing experience for me."


    Much more dramatic

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