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Posts posted by ken_cinder

  1. The point in them is not having duplicates you would otherwise think are different versions of a rom, having a proper list of known dumps. And being more organized.

    Trust me..........if you audited all you're roms. I bet you would find you had some dupes and/or bad roms. (Bad doesnt mean you cant play em............but they are most likely roms with incorrect headers etc and not properly dumped roms)

    You would be surprised the ammount of morons that buy something to dump their carts, don't do it properly........and then circulate their dumps all over the net.

  2. Frontpage!?

    Emsley.....no. First learn HTML and what it's tags do. You'll be better off that way.

    Frontpage is ok to use, but it's mainly for people to create webpages that haven't an idea on whats really doing the work behind the scene.


    You'll be able to alot more with even frontpage with a good knowledge of HTML first. You'll know exactly what is going on within the code, be able to create more complex things and know the how and why.


    Think of it as a gun. Just because you can pull the trigger, doesn't mean you know how a gun works or how to use it properly right?


    Just do a search on you're favourite search engine to find docs on learning HTML. But theres nothing wrong with getting started in Frontpage at the same time too.

    Just trying to point you in the right direction of doing things the best you can. :lol:

  3. I currently am a supervisor/health and safety rep at an MDF mouldings manufacturing plant.

    I work on the side as a PC repair technician (Not certified yet, but I could sleep through A+, and probably the first level of MCSE as well) doing jobs for businesses I have ties with.


    In the spring I am taking Electronics Engineering.

  4. 66 of the 138 registered users have 0 posts.

    Whats up with that? Thats like 45% of the userbase. :D


    actuly it's 47.826086956521739130434782608696%


    I'd say my math skills are quite good considering I came to concensus of 45% in about the same ammount of time it takes me to blink. lol


    And I'm here and will remain so, because I've yet to come across a member here that isn't helpful and appreciative of everyone else here.

    This forum is a role model for other forums!

  5. If they are however no in the lists as even being dumped at all, you best contact someone. (Who? I have no idea)


    i beleive it says who in the readme or one of the other txt files that come with goodsnes. i dont have it right infront of me, but i am pretty sure. check it out and let us know. :oops:


    Well it does, but good luck sifting through the docs for Cowerings email address (I used to have the damn thing, but not anymore :roll: ) I can't find it in any of the docs, in any of the goodxxx tools. And his website has been down...........for quite some time.

  6. #1: Metroid Fusion


    #2: Castlevania - Harmony of Disonnance


    #3: Super Mario Advance 2 - Super Mario World


    #4: Super Mario Advance 3 - Yoshi's Island


    #5: Rainbow Six - Rogue Spear (Top down [isometric?] version of the game, true to maps, sounds and a good feel of similar gameplay. You should try it, get you're tactical shooter fix on a handheld)


    #6: ? I have only played 5 GBA games. lol

  7. I have plans to purchase a late 60's model Dodge Charger in decent shape (I don't wanna fork out the $ for one thats MINT) and refurb EVERYTHING myself. Thats the old car I like.

    My fav car's would have to be:

    Lamborghini Countach/Murcielago V12 (Diablo is k, but I prefer the other 2)

    Mazda RX-7 Type GTC or RB

    Mitsubishi GTO/GT 3000

  8. ................................................................................

    .................................................Quote ^^^


    Use the IMG tag button when you post a reply, enter the URL to the image, and hit CLOSE TAGS.

  9. I don't think things of a truly ADULT nature need be posted in a board such as this one.

    We all know where to draw the line.

    Stuff like artwork and whatnot, as long as it's tasteful I see no problem, but why post it if it has no relation to gaming?

    Underager's on the internet should be monitored by their parents, but anything they would see on here I would hope not to be something vulgar.

    Violence is on TV, in games. They know.........but I wouldn't throw up a picture of something extremely violent.

    You just need to know where to draw the line.

    The best way to handle it if you're not sure, is just post a link (Instead of a picture), and warn in you're post that you view at you're own risk.

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