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Posts posted by gymnist1026

  1. Apparently FEMA is claiming to be on top of this time around so aid will be available to those really in need.


    So they are going to loose supplies before hand now?


    My family lives on the gulf coast and so my grandmother hosts 15 people in her 2 bedroom house for the duration of the storms...and she complains of going through too many bags of peas...

  2. Its not that the limit might go up, its that putting a limit on will mean that they are going to start lowering it and charging you exorbitant fees if you go over...250 is just a start...if there are no large complaints, then slowly it will be lowered...eventually down to what the average web surfing soccer mom uses a month, so that any downloading will cause you to break the cap and cause you to have to pay large fees...

  3. net monitoring isnt that bad if you are careful...


    I live in a campus dorm at the moment and i have a 2 gb bandwidth cap per day, which by itself isnt that bad as i usually never exceed it (although i can get it to be 1.99 gb per day....) The only bad part is that if i want to dl a game/movie that is over 2 gb, then i have to do it over several days which is a pain, especially when new stuff comes out...

  4. when i was watching the cycling race the other morning, my mom asked me why there were no people lining the route (as compared with the throngs of people lining the route in the Tour de France). China has locked up its population so as to not embarrass itself with the squalor that most of its population lives in. On the Coverage on TV, the only shots not of the events are of the landmarks: The Great Wall, The Forbidden City, etc. They show no overview shots of the city like they have done for previous cities where the games were hosted in...

  5. Winter is the only real season...


    I have extremely high cold tolerances (i go out in shorts, a t-shirt and flip flops year round) and am not really a fan of sweating...


    The Winter Solstice is also in winter. It is one of my favorite holidays because it involves

    1) Giant Bon Fires to ward off Bad Spirits/Luck

    2) Sacrifices (ok..ok...it usually ends up being us roasting some sort of animal that has been killed already...hot dogs/burgers)



    Snow is the best weather that exists. It is fun to play in and build stuff in. I still love going out and throwing snowballs at people and playing snow football...


    I also live in a non airconditioned dorm at school...so that in summer the room is 120 F all day and night. During winter you can at least have the windows open to abate the heat...



    Winter is more fun because it is dark out more and the best constellation is best viewed during my winter, Orion.

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