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Posts posted by someboddy

  1. Rabin is overrated. Many people here think that if Rabin was still alive, there would be world peace, solution to the world's hunger, and a cure to cancer.


    I prefer Sharon to be the one in charge. Sharon was a strong P.M. with a strong personality, and that's exactly what we need now. Plus, he knows a thing or two about wars.


    About Peres... AKA "the loser"... well, I guess the people don't really respect him, but they trust him - and that's something you can't say about most politicians. He doesn't really have a chance to be elected, but if he does find himself in the position of the P.M. somehow, I guess that with the skills he have he can do a fine job.

  2. i just really don't understand it....

    look, Someboddy is Israeli right ? (and probably jewish)


    Darken is palestinian (and probably muslim)


    i'm egyptian (well egyptian american) and muslim (egypt and israel were mortal enemies at one point)


    regardless of what our countries or leaders think, we get along great, and have no hate for one another (at least i don't).


    why can't everyone else realize that?


    It's just just like Dooz said: the person is smart. The crowd is stupid.


    If an israeli meets a palestinian, they might get along. They might not. It all depends on them. However, if a group of 100 israelis meets a group of 100 palestininas - chances are each group will hate the other group...

  3. I heard on the radio today that israeli soldiers used a missile to kill an armed Lebanese approaching their base. I was thinking - if an armed emeny is approaching your base, shoot him. Why in the world would someone waste an ultra expensive missile to kill one enemy in the open field?


    That thought led me to the conclusion. Israel need to do something. Right now, we are not doing something. We are just showing off. It looks like we have no strategy at all here...

  4. Hi there. Welcome to the forums.


    Oh, and rules says that members are not allowed to go outdoors. Don't blame me - blame the rules.


    Here is your official welcome:


    someboddy attacked dragon_master_111 with a Bat (5 str) and took off 30!

    dragon_master_111 has 0 HP left!

    dragon_master_111 is now dead, therefore cannot counterattack!!!!

    You gain 1 frag(s) (0 stolen).

    You gain: 6 EXP points!!!!

    Congratulations you've went up a level!!!!

    Your Max Hp went up by 7 and your Max Strength went up by 4.




  5. The situation here... it's really flocked up... it was flocked up for a very long time...


    The Intifada messed up our value-system. Both sides' value-system. Human lives used to be sacred. A top value. 30 years ago, the muslim wouldn't have imagined using suicide bombers. They cared about their own people, their own lives. They attacked in groups. It was important for them to return home. Their families cared about them.


    Now... they don't give a damn about their own flocking lives! Mothers are sending their own sons to die with smile on their face. If that's not flocked up, I don't know what is.


    And we are not better. We used to have a sacred value - never abandon an injured person in the battlefield. We cared about our own people. We protected all of our civilians. We couldn't imagine abandoning Israelis to the enemie's mercy.


    Now... we use Shderot - one of our cities - as a human shield. We don't care about the people there. When the qassams reached Ashkelon, the mayor of Ashkelon said that he won't let Ashkelon to turn our like Shderot. I have no critique against him - his responsibility is for Ashkelon alone - but this is an indicator for the israeli society - we have abandoned one of our sacred values.


    Our efforts to return the three kidnapped soldiers show that we still remember that value. But we remember only the words. We forgot the meaning behind them. We have an empty value.


    The greatest enemy is neither the israelis nor the muslim. The greatest enemy is the apathy. An apathy grew over the years. Murders that 10 years ago could make us declare a nuklear war now barely make us bat an eyelid. And when you don't care about human lives, you care about nothing. We are slowly cooking in this mess, and we don't even care about it!


    Thats why I think that war is good. It's the only thing that can shake us down enough to stop the slow growing, constant killing - from both sides. After that war, we will finally be able to make peace. Nobody will give half a damn about territory - bacause human lives will regain their former importance. Human lives will become sacred once again.

  6. Lucius turns to the other ninjas. "Take us to your leader. What? I always wanted to say that!" he adds as the others look at him impatiently. "Never!" one of the ninjas yells, and drops a smoke bomb. "Not so fast!" Alos says, and a giant fan comes out of his chest and blows the smoke away. The adventurers see the ninjas trying to squeeze into a hidden hole in the ground.


    "So..." Nelfag starts. "Are you just going to escape and leave your friend here?". "He is just a generic NPC!" one of the ninjas replies. "Hiding the location of our HQ is more important than his life!". "If your leader is a generic NPC..." Nelfag says. "What does it make you?". "Nevermind that!" Racid proclaims. "I'm going to their base!" he says and jumps into the hole.


    "Dammit!" a voice comes out from the hole. "Why didn't you tell me this isn't the route to your base, only a room for hiding? it stinks here!". Racid climbs out of the hole. "You guys better lead us to your base before I'll get mad..." he stares at the ninjas. They start to shake, and lead the heroes to their HQ.




    The ninjas bring the party to the HQ, in front of their leader - an old ninja master. The leader gets angry at the ninjas. "Why did you bring these strangers to our sercret HQ?". "Please forgive us, Shukimoto-sama. Those guys..." one of the ninjas says, when Racid interrupts him. "Shukimoto? What kind of a name is that?"


    Shukimoto gets angry. "That's a ninja name! And who are you to insult me like that?"


    Racid smiles. "I am Racid. The last Ranger of the Hertselia-Pituach ranger tribe!"


    "Oh... the tribe of warriors who are not as cool as ninjas..."


    "What? You can't just change who you are just because your ancestors watched too much anime."


    "Look who's speaking... your tribe watched too much Walker - Texas Ranger, and based your entire tradition on that series, deciding that Chuck Norris was the first leader of the three tribes..."


    "That does it!" Racid says, and starts to remove his glove. "NOOOOO!!!!!!!" Lucuis and Ryla screams and jumps on him.




    To be continued. I left it open intentionally, so just take it wherever you want to.


    And yes, that "one of the ninjas" is always the same guy...

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