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My St. Louis Ordeal

So my past two blog posts were rather short and pointless entries that I was in St. Louis. It was quite an experience for me. During the orientation session of my second interview (Tuesday), the dean came in to inform us about the coming bad weather that would most probably ground our flights (we were all from out of state). That was very bad news for me since I had a major History test the next day I was hoping to study for when I got home. Every chance I got I checked the flight status on the



San Louis

I'm in St. Louis, Missouri right now posting from a library. It's cold here.



Sabbatical over.

I got my first acceptance to a medical school today so my sabbatical is over. Even though it's for a state school, it's still something so I can now relax. I still have more interviews to go to at some more prestigious places but the urgency is much less now.   Yippee.




I am going to take a sabbatical from 1emu and the Internet in general for a while. There are just some other things I need to focus on. Don't be too naughty.



Gone Daddy Gone

This morning on the radio I heard for the first time Gnarls Barkley's cover of Gone Daddy Gone by the Violent Femmes. I think it's a very good cover. What an excellent song.



Friday the 13th. lol, cliche.

Although it is Friday the 13th, it is already one of the better days of my pitiful life. I got my scores back from the test I took in August and my scores really improved. I'm in the 90th percentile and am competative at all schools now, including Ivy Leagues.   Holy crap I am so relieved. I couldn't eat or sleep and was shitting liquid for the past few days because of the anxiety.   Now back to working on my damn presentation for Monday.   Remember guys, there is no substitute for hard work!



Testing embedding

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>  Yay admin powers.



Do you want to play a game?

Introversion is releasing Defcon on the 29th which you can pre-order from Steam for just $10. Looks like a fun game and I've been enjoying their earlier 2 games. Support independant developers!   I've also been playing both Quake 4 and Half-Life 2 again. Quake 4 is a fun game though not something I would pay full price for. I got the special edition DVD for $20 from Fry's. Half-Life 2 is, of course, definitely worth it. This is my 3rd time playing though HL2 and I'm still not tired of it despite




Writing sucks. I have about 3 pages of essay topics that I need to write by end of this month. On top of that I have to worry about my English class.   Besides that I've been watching A LOT of Lost. It's such an awesome show. Probably the best non-comedy show I've ever seen.



Where am I?

This past weekend I took the MCAT exam, this week school started, I have the AMCAS application due soon so I have to get my Personal Statement all perfect, and I need to write descriptions for all 10 of my extracurriculars. God I hate this. I thought the classes I signed up for this semester were going to be easy but what a load of crock that was. After this AMCAS is sent off and verified then I'll be inundated with secondary applications where I'll have to write a minimum of 3 essays for each



lol, first post

Although my primary blog is at http://www.freshyk.com, I shall update this thing every now and then. Perhaps I'll write about my experience as an admin to give you guys some insight as to what we all do to keep the site running.   I'd like to thank GameCop for working incredibly hard to bring everyone this update. And remember, this is just version 2.9, just wait till you see 3.0.



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