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2024-08-30 Recent Releases

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* MAME 0.269 - https://www.mamedev.org/release.html

* ARCADE64 0.269.0 - https://arcade.mameworld.info

* MAMEUI64 0.269.0 - https://messui.1emulation.com/

* WolfMAME 0.269 - https://github.com/mahlemiut/wolfmame/releases

* MEmu 9.1.7 [Android] - https://www.memuplay.com/blog/en/category/release-notes

* Flycast Dojo 6.48 [Arcade] - https://github.com/blueminder/flycast-dojo/releases

* hhugboy 1.4.1 [Game Boy] - https://github.com/tzlion/hhugboy/releases/

* ARES v140 [Multi-system] - https://ares-emu.net/download

* WinArcadia 33.2 [s2650-based] - https://amigan.yatho.com/ or http://amigan.1emu.net/releases/

* Gopher 64 0.1.8 [N64] - https://github.com/gopher64/gopher64/releases

* Simple 64 2024.08.1 [N64] - https://github.com/simple64/simple64/releases

* Cemu 2.1 [Wii-U] - https://github.com/cemu-project/Cemu/releases/

* XEMU 0.7.132 [XBOX] - https://github.com/xemu-project/xemu/releases

* Erockus 12.3 [Front-end] - http://erockus.elementfx.com/arcade.html

* GameEx 18.73 [Front-end] - https://www.gameex.com/news/

* Scanner 0.04 / Rebuilder 0.11 [Rom Manager] - https://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/

* JRom Manager 3.0.5 [Rom Manager] - https://github.com/optyfr/JRomManager/releases


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