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Zzap!Raine - downloadable PDF magazines


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Starting from today, when browsing Zzap!Raine you will have two options:

- the "old" web-based reviews in English, that were made with old HTML technology in 2002-2004 and all pages basically look the same.

- free downloadable PDF magazines, approximately 10-20 pages each (6-10 MBytes), in Italian. You can then print them yourself on A4 printer, if you like.

We just received approval from the owners of the Zzap!64 logo/intellectual property so this new PDF project is an official "son of Zzap!". :)

Issue 1 is ready for download, Issue 2 is in the works and I anticipate issuing a new PDF every month. There are 13 issues (1-11 and 2 Christmas specials) so this will keep me busy making PDFs for about a year. Anyway, stay tuned.

Thanks Tux and the 1emulation team for assistance with the server and your support :)

BOOKMARK THIS LINK: https://raine.1emulation.com/zzapraine/issues.html


Edited by _MADrigal
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