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Team-Xecuter presents '14717 RGH' – Dual CB Glitch Achieved on Slim – Phat Next



Team-Xecuter been really working fast and hard these last few days and they done it again with news report of getting RGH working Microsoft Xbox 360 Console running on the v14717 dashboard without need of a previous dump or CPU keys! smile.png





It's been a busy few days at Xecuter HQ !


We are very pleased to announce that we have fully decrypted CB_B and can now achieve a full RGH hack using a STOCK TX CoolRunner on slims with the 14717 dashboard even if they have no previous nand dump or CPU_KEY !


We are currently working on the Phat solution – we already have the dual CB_B 6752 glitching


Yet another first for Team Xecuter – the RGH Scene is rescued in just a matter of days !


Loving this new stuff – its like the old XB1 days


More news soon……

NEWS SOURCE: http://team-xecuter....slim-phat-next/



VIA: http://www.ps3crunch...80%93-Phat-Next

Edited by ploggy

I don't really follow the 360 scene. What does this mean? Is it going to be as open as the original Xbox now? I was always disappointed in the hacks for this system because they were limited by what model you had.


The RGH hack works on alot more consoles than the Jtag (but still not all) if memory serves you can Glitch most slims and some Phats.

When it comes to openness I dont think the 360 will ever be as open as the original xbox. The 360 will always require soldering to hack.

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