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Posts posted by JaJa

  1. Called Internet Sharing, it essentially turns your PC into a router.

    You don't get wep with it, but it works if money is tight.

    e.g. cable modem connected to PC with wifi card. Other computers can connect to it and it routes the other computers to the internet.

    Also called a gateway.

  2. Grr....

    Only the first versions of flashme did, and that was only people who used other peoples copies (remember you had to sign up and get a personalised copy?)

    Darkfaders Utility PPflash has the same mac address, however that's easily changed, and you only need that if you completly destroy the firmware (it involves soldering).

    AFAIK if your mac address is damaged then your given a random mac address. IIRC once devices are communicating with TCP/IP the mac address isn't used, it's all IP. Mac addresses are only for local networks.

  3. (3).nds (new demos)

    Same as (2), but there is loader in "unused" space of the NDS header. Sadly, many GBA flashers mess up the NDS header thinking it's a corrupted GBA header. Hence, if your GBA flasher sucks, you will need to use a loader as in (2).

    Works on GBA flashcard directly if your flasher doesn't suck. Also works with a loader.


    from ndshb.com


    I told sgstair this on #dsdev, but anyway.

    A typical (DSgoo and DSspeech).nds.gba file has $??Qi??!=?? in the first few bytes.

    Jason-Bardeys-Computer:~ jason$ cat /Users/jason/Desktop/NDS\ ROMS/misc/DSSpeech/DSSpeech.ds.gba



    Jason-Bardeys-Computer:~ jason$ cat /Users/jason/Desktop/NDS\ ROMS/misc/DSGoo\ y\ Headspin/DSGoo.ds.gba


    Sgstairs firmware explorer has a mixture of this and the AXXE (some nds)headers

    Jason-Bardeys-Computer:~ jason$ cat /Users/jason/Desktop/firmware_xplorer.nds


    So try renaming the file (.nds >.nds.gba)and hope your flasher doesn't asplode the header.

    Crazy damn loaders.

  4. It needs an access point (or a PC acting as an access point).

    That should fill up quickly once sgIP is done and the first demo's are out.

    TBH ad-hoc isn't very important though.

    It would only be useful for prehaps a file browser or something.

    If you are connecting to a PC it can only support AP OR ad-hoc.

    So a PC <> DS with ad-hoc would stop it going on the internet (unless it has another NIC connected to the net).

    DS <> DS connections won't work unless ad-hoc is working.

  5. I thought everyone knew about the new loaders?

    Older homebrew would need the loader prepending, but alot of the new stuff (well since june) doesn't. It wasn't very wide spread news, but what you going to do ::shrugs::

    Prehaps if i can be bothered, i'll redo all the old homebrew with the new devkitarm and ndstool.

  6. Don't forgot this could become like SARS a few years ago, and come to nothing.

    Remember for it to become a real threat it needs to mutate (or mix with human flu) so it passes to humans easily.


    Shall i take some time off school until this passes? :D

  7. It's the same chipset as we use now.

    Except ninty have gone and done the USB one.

    The ninty stick looks exactly like the buffalo stick, except for the name on it.

    The buffalo stick uses the RAlink chipset that we use now.

    IMO ninty will use there software to transmit demos.

    It's a great way to get people to try games.

  8. I swear this has already been answered.

    Most likely no.

    A quick search shows it has been answered. Search : demos

    But anyway, the router can't directly send the file, it would need to be loaded by the WMB program.

    However, you could have a load a smaller listener program onto the DS that connects to a PC server, on a specific port, and load the file, via a router or the wireless adapter. Then this would use IP rather than raw of before.

  9. Maby as a "save" file?


    If your refering to a.sav file that's SRAM. Unfortunatley GBAMP doesn't have this, so it wouldn't be universal.

    Otherwise the.ini file would be similar, because it's an "initialisation" file.


    And thanks Sgstair.

    That's all I wanted to know.

  10. Okay, Will the wifi settings be permanent?

    I mean how would they be stored?

    A.ini file (not GBA Flash cart compatible unless appended)?

    SRAM (not for GBAMP)?

    Or will they have to be entered in everytime?

    Could you figure out how to read them from the firmware chip?

    I ask because i have a 128-bit WEP key. If it wasn't saved it would need to be entered everytime.


    It's annoying enough when windows erases the network settings every other week.


    Anyway Rock On Sgstair :D

  11. Quit bugging him.

    What are you hoping to see from images anyway?

    If he was a fake (which he's not) he could knock up a few pics by just writing to the screen. And you wouldn't know.

    What would be impressive is a video showing it connecting and getting an ip.

    Then video of the router/PC showing the new IP and communicating with it.

    But until sgIP is finished that video won't happen.

  12. But you'd still have to write a nice little TCP/IP stack.

    I see what your saying. It's similar to what your doing.

    Do you think they'd still have had trouble with the power-saving bit?

  13. Yes i have heard of reverse engineering, but saying you can work out the one particular feature from just a dump of mario kart is stupid.

    There's ARM 7 and 9 code in the dump (dunno if their split) packaged up and i imagine it would be a nightmare, considering you don't really know what your looking for.

    Sgstair has worked out the registers and is now on the TCP/IP stack. I imagine if he did a pre-release you could do LAN games.

  14. Yes of course, why didn't anyone else think of that?

    Because we need source to integrate into homebrew, not an arm binary.

    We also need headers, and the TCP/IP stack.

    But if anyone is good enough to look at the binaries for mario kart and turn them into source that can be used by anyone then by all means, do it :P

  15. I imagine MP3 streaming could be added to moonshell.

    About wifi range, i was refering to the DS wifi range, not routers. Routers tend to be 150ft.

    But the DS has a less powerful wifi chipset and i was wondering whether the range with sgstair's wireless was the same, less or more. If he use 1mb you can get more range, but it's slower. Most MP3 files are 160kbps so they can easily be streamed.

  16. He 'd get half the bounty.

    Because he's figured the registers.

    However someone who has experience with TCP/IP stacks could possibly write one faster and steal some of his money.

    Sgstair deserves every cent, pence or whatever the currency is.

    Software nearly always works better when done entirely by one team or person.

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