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Posts posted by suvo

  1. i hope for the ps3 they are still making ff 13 ect , cant wait for both console's but the thing that im really waiting for is re5 OMFG its gonna be sweet

    You can be damn sure that Square-Enix will make Final Fantasy XIII simply because they can't (and the fans won't let them) retire the series.

    Thats so awsome well , as soon as any final fantasy has been relased (since 7) i have got every single one :banghead: u could call me crazy but i clocked over 99 hours in ff8 and probably about 70 hours in ff10 :banghead: sorta sad

  2. this better not mess up the release of Bully and the Warriors. that's all I'm saying.

    i agree , the warrior's looks sweet , i seriously hope they dont remove it...

    depends if rockstar games get the pants sued out of them :banghead: , and also i went out and bought it today from eb... K-mart have sold out and are not getting anymore copy's... and they have a few left on xbox... they wont sell it in (wall mart i dont live in america) , target ect.. all of the major store's :banghead: im lucky and i hear the new version will have now swearing , less blood , gore and well action *rockstar are flocked

  3. Hot Coffee scandal intensifies as legislators vote 355-21 to support a Federal Trade Commission probe seeking answers from the Take-Two subsidiary.


    Just when you thought the Hot Coffee scandal couldn't get any hotter, the heat is getting turned way up--by the federal government, no less.


    Just after 7 pm on Capitol Hill today, the House of Representatives voted 355 to 21 to support a Federal Trade Commission inquiry into Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. The purpose of the probe will be to determine if take-Two Interactive and its publishing subsidiary Rockstar Games deceived the voluntary Entertainment Software Ratings Board when it submitted Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.


    Today's vote advanced House Resolution 376, introduced by Congressman Fred Upton (R-MI). In Upton's words, he is "leading the Congressional effort to determine if a best selling video game maker intentionally deceived the industry’s ratings board to avoid an 'Adults-Only' rating."


    In a statement, Upton recently said he was "outraged by the brazenness of Rockstar Games in their effort to do an end-run around the ratings system.... Rockstar Games’ deceit has severely undermined the integrity of the ratings system."


    The game initially received and M for Mature rating, but has since been slapped with an AO for Adults Only rating, becoming only one of only a handful of games to bear the retailer-scorned label. Rockstar in the process of manufacturing new game discs which have the hidden sex minigames removed. Those versions of the game will be rated M.


    The vote, coming on the eve of a five-week recess in Congress, means that Rockstar could now come under scrutiny by the federal government. It also raises the possibility that there could be a penalty imposed if an investigation finds that the publisher committed fraud in obtaining the M rating for San Andreas.


    GameSpot will have more details on the investigation as further information is made available.

    lol , gta is gone.... mine got stolen , so i have to get it again soon , cause they will take it off the shelf soon :D
  4. Microsoft may be in trouble for naming its forthcoming operating system Vista after it transpired that the name has been registered by an American company for nearly six years.


    Vista, which operates a small business internet interchange, is actually based in Microsoft's home town of Redmond. It was started in May 2000 by John Wall, the founder of Wall Data and an erstwhile investor in SCO.

    "We are going to consider our options and talk to Microsoft," Wall told The Seattle Times. Vista has not yet filed suit against the software giant.

    Microsoft announced the new name for its operating system on Friday and said that the first beta code would be available on 3 August.


    "There is no more Longhorn; it is now officially Windows Vista," said Kevin Johnson, group vice president of Microsoft's worldwide sales, marketing and services.


    Hopefully they'll change the name...

    hopefully ! :D btw , does anyone have any more info on this crappy named system :) just wondering... im wanna read up on it

  5. and how old are you then ? im still 17 :D waiting for my bday oh and i want a birthday present

    you don't have to lie here. I bet your more like 11 or 12. my ten year old son has a better grasp of the written english language then you.

    @drake i know your 15 ,


    lol... its hard to know someone by posting on the forum , i always seem like this on forum's and also your son must be very smart :) im happy for you

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