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Posts posted by Weirdy

  1. What I wanna know is what emulators you guys use for emulating certain games and what options do you set for them to play the way you want em to look.


    I'll start...


    for neogeo emulation, I like to use my compiled Mame32plus(plays rotd, svc, mslug4, kof2001/2002, etc, etc). For the settings, I use D3D rendering with Texture management checked, rotate effects is checked too, prescale on auto, scanline intensity at 100%. I also use triple buffering, no stretching(D3D does that for you)...640-480 res. and for image enhancement I use Kreed's 2xSal. And like that the games look superb on full screen and doesn't even look stretched even though it is.


    For cps2, I use Final Burn Alpha. I use D3D with that one as well...with RGB effects, triple buffering, hq4x filter on the soft fx algorithm. And no bi-linear filter cause that just makes the games look fuzzy.


    for snes, I use snes9x, for nes, I use fceu, for zn and zn2 capcom games I use zinc(cause they don't play on mame yet), for genesis, mastersystem, and sega cd I use gens. For Killer Instinct, I like to use an old version of U64 emu cause I hate HLE.


    ...and...thats about it...


    of course your post doesn't have to be as detailed as mine if you don't want it to, but just say what your fav. emu is for certain things <_<



    Can someone lend me 1.5k+ for this beast here?














    if you have a reissue jaguar or  fender telecaster i'll take that as well  :P

    thats a pretty nice ax. They don't offer it with a combo pack or whatever on musician's friend? Cause some times its cheaper like that.


    If not, why don't you go into make your own custom made guitars? Then you can add whatever the flock you want. Like one time I saw a dude who made his look like a toilet seat.

  3. flock yeah I'm an anime freak. I've already finished: Trigun, Chobits, Love Hina(even Love Hina Again), Hellsing, Onegai Teacher, Onegai Twins,.Hack//SIGN, Flame of Recca, Bubble Gum Crisis 2040, Great Teacher Onizuka, Cowboy Bebop, and there are some others that I forgot about

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