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Posts posted by Lucandrake

  1. I just finished watching Thor yesterday, so today I went back and watched Iron Man 1/2 and The Incredible Hulk. All 4 of these movies feel really under-developed :/. Like the entire film is simply a wait for the last fight scene. At least to me most of the "mid-movie" action feels lackluster, you get like maybe 2-3 fight scenes that just completely suck (

    The fight scene between Thor and Bison(idk the actors name) is stupid as hell. In the span of 5 minutes they introduce a new S.H.I.E.L.D agent all while setting up this big action scene that when you watch feels completely devoid of any actual effort

    ), and the dialogue always feels pushed so that they can "character development" in short time scenes (

    I have never read Thor so I don't know the validity of his comic book origins all that well, but I do know that in movie form, the double plot they gave us felt lackluster in all aspects of the film



    I honestly feel these movies have more potential, but I had to play with a butterfly knife all through out of the 2nd Iron Man just so I can stay awake from sheer boredom.

  2. 2001: A space Odyssey: Not my personal choice for "best" film ever. Although it was extremely good and offered a dated source of "chosen" emotion, it did feel lackluster in the "entertaining" aspect of film. As art it's certainly one of the best crunched forms of imagery I've ever seen, but as film it's beyond attentive, some of the things is does feels experimental and unsuccessful. I had to take off my headset multiple times as well to deal with the high pitches (which the director would consider successful as conveying disturbance, I consider it a nuisance). The story itself is captivating, and I'm glad it did the things that it did, I did enjoy it but only its cognitive aspects. The emotion I felt consistently felt disconnecting since I spent so much damn time analyzing the film. It's certainly ahead of its time and enjoyable but not entertaining. It's like hearing a niche fact from a friend and smiling at it but not really caring about it.


    2010: The Year we Make Contact: Shit sucked.


    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: Holy shit did this not disappoint. How I ever missed this film (being a Jim fan) is beyond me. While his acting was awesome as hell the true geniuses of this film has got to be the editors. Like putting their

    first contact (the "twist" ending) right at the beginning so that the film had better character development with Tang

    , things like that made the film. Not to mention the way it was told, this is Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World before Scott Pilgrim was even written. I wouldn't even be surprised of this was the original inspiration for the story telling techniques Edgar used. Certainly my favorite Jim film, recommend highly.


    I Love You Phillip Morris: I couldn't watch Brokeback Mountain. Something about the love story of 2 gay dudes just moves me the wrong way. I respect the life style (hell I love the opposite of 2 gay dudes, 2 lesbian chicks? Make a movie about THAT). But I wouldn't be interested in the details, even if it meant a good film. This was a nice way to "ease" my mind into that idea, and certainly a different acting position that Jim is used to a long with the supporting cast. The films enjoyable, but to be honest it just felt like Jim was playing Jim Carry, in a gay way :/.


    I Spit On Your Grave (2010 remake): Better than the original. The original wasn't as exploitative as people would have you believe (there are certainly more gory films out there). The only scene I felt disgusted in the original was the rape scene, and that's more because of the act than the camera work (For most emotional rape scene, the remake of Last House On the Left takes the cake). Everything else about the film felt just like a standard horror flick slowed down 10 times. The Killer chases and kills while everybody else dies. The remake fixed that pacing issue the original had, genuinely had me disgusted at each kill, and had a little more character development than before (not to mention the story elements of the Sheriff). If you enjoy exploit films do not miss this one.


    Lost In Translation: Wanna learn how to act? Watch Bill Murray act in this film. Learn how to do what he did here, and you'll be legit. Besides making me feel like I was watching a real person, this film had pretty standard fair when it came to story/dialogue. While it caters to young adults, it feels more like it centralized itself on the whole "middle age crisis" thing however, which is fine. Have to re-watch sometime later in life.


    I had no internet for 2 days, this is what I did :>.

  3. When you use Rogero, does it make you click on APP_PS3//GAME thingie after loading up the game? My Rogero just keeps rebooting the system and then I have to click that, and it only works when it feels like it.

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