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Bluestinger X

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Posts posted by Bluestinger X

  1. i was talking to a friend today. he works at bestbuy. He had to work the whole day of the psp launch cause they expect to be really busy. He told me they had 400 PSP systems ready to go. Well today he said so far they have only sold 70 in the first 2 days.. he expected to have them sold out by now but they still have 330 to go lol and this is in chicago. Guess i wont have to worry about it being sold out or anything :naughty: im gona try and get me one in 2 or 3 weeks hopefully.

  2. iq_132 do u actully read.. or are u mentaly retarded. The gamecube can not read any type of dvd. Its a complete different format. You can not play backups from the disc drive. The only way u can is over a network which hardly works as it is and u didnt need the modchip to even do that.. just a old copy of phantasy star online.


    the only thing the chip is usefull for is loading small amounts of data onto the memory of the gamecube.. maybe u can play doom or something. Thats about it.

  3. you have to admit though the touch screen is a great idea and changes how u can play games. This is something we need in the market right now.. new ideas. you say its stupid right now but down the road when the psp 2 has a touch screen your gone be like wow why didnt someone think of this before...

  4. of course if the government hadn't halted stem cell research MAYBE i would've sided with the family.... but...


    yes yes lets pay lots of money for people to test fertilized human eggs!!!

    i mean it makes since right?!? lets kill them before they are born so the old can live longer woooohooo!


    you arent getting a dime out of me for that crap.

  5. I saw that movies for the PSP go for like $30. What a load of sht.

    I'm pretty sure they are $15.


    Still, i don't se myself buying any UMD movies unless I can't get them any other way.

    Not all movies are for $15, premium ones like House of the Flying Daggers are upwards of $25. Unless they brought the price down after the negative publicity.


    I really cant see people buying movies for the psp.. seriously why would u when u cant watch it on your tv? Are u seriously gona watch it enough to make use of it on ur psp? I mean sure u may buy one video and show ur friends and be like look this is cool it can play video... then on the shelf the video goes cause u have already seen it 15 times.. plus whats the fun in watching a movie alone? its not like ur gona get your gf to try and watch the damn movie in ur hand are u lol. Im sure shed find that damn romantic. :(


    now being able to put video clips on the memory card is kinda cool.

  6. i do think she should be let go.. im sure if i was related to her though id feel different. Your not seeing it from there point of view. Imagine standing over her and thinking shes responding to ur actions.

    Anyways other then that... i think the way they are letter her go is just cruel... starving here. Thats flockin hell man how could they do that. Just unplug her now dont let her die suffering.

  7. besides, unlike DS where its more kid-friendly, psp is aiming at younger-adults who have money and or JOBS that can financially support themselves to buy the product with all the necessary accessories like memory stick and protective cases i guess.




    wait are u serious? sony is trying to make money :)

  8. xbox media center is in no way made by MS.... i know some of the devs and they wont even give out compiled versions of it since they are afraid of being sued.. they have the source of Source forge so anyone who feels like adding anything can. xbmc uses the mplayer core they just turned it into a stand alone media player with a kick ass ui and stuff... serious xbmc alone is worth modding ur xbox. Its almost like a xbox OS since u can load all ur games and emulators and stuff.

    heres some shots of it http://chokemaniac.loafamotive.com/gallery.php?cat=pm3


  9. yeah theres a difference. Im sure alot of people will be willing to pay around 400 for the next gen consoles.. but thats cause its a console... You get the full deal. Portable games always seem to be watered down or changed in some way that makes them not as good as the console version which is a rather turn off to most players. Look at the score so far for Metal gear acid on the psp.. way below a MGS games score. Matter a fact it sounds like they ruined all the things that made MGS fun.

  10. The Bill-BOX only has some worth if you decide to mod it and and use it exclusive for emulation.

    If you get a modded xbox... install Xbox media center soon as possible


    The program is so kick ass for all ur media needs. I probably have like 30 movies and 20 gigs of music on mine.

  11. They need to do another beyond good and evil game i was pretty surpised at how decent the game was.. but no ones like it at all.

    That game was awesome. So much variety, some pretty fresh ideas, and solid gameplay all around. The music during the races was some of the most unbearable music in the history of video games, but the rest

    was good enough to make up for that. It hit $20 in like a week too, probably because they were trying to push XIII at the time.


    well from what i read it didnt sell well at all.. people thought it looked to kiddy. Damn the sony generation for that... next thing u know the game is in the bargain bins when it no way should have been. Almost every site gave a good review.. hopefully we will see another or something like it from ubi

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