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Bluestinger X

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Posts posted by Bluestinger X

  1. i love japanese , korean and thai movies... but ill tell u the truth chinese movies kinda suck in my book. I miss the old days of bruce lee and stuff ( even though most his movies were american directors :rolleyes: )


    oh a good action/comedy is Ong Bak. I saw it like last summer with my gf.

  2. haha then why do u find it hard to believe... im not sick i was just telling u how easy it could be done... as for the boob thing im pretending what he said wasnt true cause thats messed up. Anyways there was these rednecks here they went cow tipping well long story short one got kicked stright in the nuts and it took them clean off. moral of the storry rednecks are dumb :).

  3. This story's are weird, gryph pulling off tits, 2 chicks ripping off balls, wtf!? Do all of you have the strength of superman or something?

    u ever seen the finger nails women have? i truly doubt it would be that hard to rip off a ball.. all she would need to do is pierce the skin with her nails.. which if u ever been clawed by a girl isnt very hard to do.. specialy ur sack being very sesitive and all.... and after that? theres isnt much holding ur balls on u realize that right? one yank on the main cord and its gone. lol '



    did i just say that ooww the though of pain :P

  4. Lets all sit down and write a script for a video game of Grand Thef Auto!


    What movie doesn't have a script of grand theft auto?



    completely agree... the game is based purely off the most cliche gangster and gang movies i can think of. the story isnt orginal at all.


    GTA would be a Guy Ritchie film


    guy went down hill after he marryed maddona...

  5. bobbit cut her husbands censor off cause he was a womanizer... this one ripped her bfs ball off for the oposite reason... cause she wanted censor. which is funny cause its not like any guy is gona wana have sex with her after that lol. Anyways a joke comes to mind.


    theres the stoners driving down the road and Lorena Bobbit throws her husbands censor out the her window and it hits the stoners car. What does the one stoner say to the other? dude did u see the size of the dick on that bug.




    anyways atleast bobbits got his put back on and then became a porn star... this guy is gona only have one ball for the rest of his life.

  6. Jan 11 2005




    A jilted woman has admitted ripping off her ex-lover's testicle with her bare hands after he refused to have sex with her.


    Amanda Monti, 24, flew into a rage after her ex-boyfriend, 37-year-old Geoffrey Jones, rejected her advances at the end of a drunken house party. She yanked off his left testicle, which was later handed to him by a friend with the words: "That's yours."


    Monti, of Birkenhead, Merseyside, pleaded guilty to wounding at Liverpool Crown Court and will be sentenced next month. The court heard that Mr Jones had ended his long-term relationship with Monti towards the end of May last year.


    The pair remained on good terms and on May 30, Monti offered to collect Mr Jones from a barbecue and drive him to his home in Netherton, Merseyside. She then drove him to another party and then home again, where friends joined them for more drinks.


    As the drinks party was winding down, Monti told Mr Jones she wanted to discuss their relationship and offered him sex. When he refused, she grabbed his face and a struggle ensued.


    Mr Jones threw petite Monti, who is little more than 5ft 2ins tall, out of the house. She then smashed a window and confronted him on the doorstep as he went to investigate. Another struggle took place and Monti was knocked to the floor, from where she pulled down Mr Jones' shorts.


    In a statement read out by judge Charles James, Mr Jones continued: "Suddenly she grabbed my genitals and pulled hard. That caused my underpants to come off and I found I was completely naked and in excruciating pain."


    Referring to his friend Danny McDonagh, who was sleeping at the house after the party, Mr Jones said: "I believe Danny walked out shortly afterwards. He came into the kitchen and said to me, 'That's yours', and I saw that he was holding one of my testicles in his hand."


    Monti initially tried to hide the testicle by putting it in her mouth, but released it. Doctors were unable to re-attach the organ.


    Defence barrister Wendy Lloyd said her client did not remember much of the incident. However, she accepted the prosecution's version of events and did not claim to have acted in self-defence. Monti, who spoke only to confirm her name and enter a guilty plea, was released on conditional bail for sentence on February 10.



    haha i know how u guys love shocking news... i feel so bad for this one balled man.


    also does this story sound kinda fake to anyone? his friend holding it? i wouldnt have touched it.. pluse the part " Monti initially tried to hide the testicle by putting it in her mouth, but released it. Doctors were unable to re-attach the organ."

    i will never date a woman from liver pool now :afro:

  7. hell... the enemy was probably all up in that crap. If you say theres a place that shouldnt be harmed thats exactly were the enemy is gona go. Its just a way to make america look bad. Most the time they hide in there temples and they say we are blowing up the temples cause we hate there religion... blah blah. Nothing has changed... I remeber reading years ago that saddam made sure all the schools were built around his building... so if america tryed to kill him by lets say bombing the building they would murder hundreds of children.

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