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Posts posted by LoRd_SnOw

  1. LOL... someone gave me a bad rating. Gee... I wonder who that was.

    I just rated you 5 because you've failed to disappoint. :P




    *expands hands for embracement as he awaits those 5 merciful stars, lol*

  2. I found another DS CART in the washer and this one is NFS Carbon, I haven't tested this one at all and it still has the label, but slightly ripped off and filled with alot of adhesive like other the two.


    I can take a photo if anyone wants to see.


    I just checked the washing machine about as much as any normal person can check and i haven't found anymore.

  3. Course not, they'd need taken apart and thoroughly dried. 50/50 chance you fried them as soon as you tried them, water does NOT harm electronic components. Water and adding an electrical current harms electronics. I wash PCBs in my dishwasher...

    Ah, whoops :P

  4. I played Sonic&knuckles on XBLA, Which i'll be taking my time with and i find it to be a great retro experience, best of all it has lock on for the other (already owned) arcade games like Sonic1,2,3. Best of all it has achievements. What i dislike is that it doesnt have many achievements and only dedicated to Sonic&knuckles and not Sonic1-3 Locked on with achievements, that's my only gripe.

  5. Its alittle funny, I now remember pulling out the cables during my sleep walk session, but yeah i agree more sleep is what i need. I slept at 6am trying to nail the last remaining schip opcodes i needed to get done, then after that i had a few snacks and chocolate milk, then i went to bed.


    Well it could have been worse, i guess.. Atleast i didn't try washing the router and my iphone. However, i did find 2 DS Carts in my washer.. Apparently, they're my little nephew's and they did get washed with my load, im sure he'll be disappointed. :P


    One of them was "Speed Racer" and I really can't make out the other one, as the label was torn to shreds, but atm they are both labeless so i really can't tell which is which and i tried them already on my ds, which they don't seem to work at all.

  6. So, has anyone ever sleep walked before?


    Well i did(i think), but i also think i took it to a whole new level of sleep walking, I unplugged my router and found both my iphone and router in the washer.


    When i woke up today i was bitching about why i was paying for internet, because im always having trouble going online these days. So i was sitting at my computer desk like an idiot trying to find out why i wasn't getting any internet, but also noticed my router was missing. Eventually, when im about to put in a load of laundry i found both my phone(which shocked me, as i didn't even notice it was missing) and the router in the washing machine, ofcourse luckily they were both dry.


    I don't know why im sharing this, i just found it very odd and funny and i use to think sleeping walking was also a load of BS.

  7. Well it's possible to do more than NES 8-bit style artwork on Microsoft paint. Infact, it's really all about how detailed you get with ms paint. Also, when you zoom into a photo those bits of blocks you see scattered all around the photo are exactly what makes up your pictures, just everything is more zoomed out which makes it look more detailed.


    In these pixel art photos I zoomed into the blocks to capture that Nes Affect in order to present my idea better about the picture i was trying to make. IMO, the best way to learn how to draw in microsoft paint is to immitate things and other objects that you find interests in. For instance, you can start small by zooming or finding a zoom level that best suits your needs for that specific object or person you may be trying to immitate.

  8. Home made Nukes? Dash of sugar, mad gasoline, patrolium, oil (anykind of brand as long as it burns in the end), water and lots of metal surrounding it. The final product should be a nuke, just toss it at someone and run.


    I agree, it really does all come down to money, that's how it is for latest technology.


    if they do indeed use Rat brains for this doggy style MG robot, well imagined the government made clones of everyone and killed them just to take their brain and stuff it into this robot? sick :S

  9. I've used that once seemed to have issues with getting it to show IE back then, to fix the favicon all you would need to do is replace the IPB favicon with the 1emulation favicon from previous back ups you might have.


    Well i should have mentioned this before and im sorry for not saying it earlier, I did not use any kind of editing software other than Microsoft Paint, the one before Windows 7 as the one on Window 7 are alittle odd and the brushes are crappy.

  10. Hi, i don't normally do this, but i made some Pixel Art over the summer for a (girl)friends birthday, which we supersized in kinko's, lol.


    So here's the Pixel Art I made for her and later I made for myself :lol:


    *edit* these were made in Microsoft Paint and each of them took an hour to make (sorry I did not mention this earlier, i had my head in the clouds).


    *removed, lost it on facebook*




  11. I've only played on the 360, the online component seems pretty active and its also pretty fun.


    There's alot of variety compared to the first GRAW weapon-wise, the maps are huge a few small ones though, but they all seem pretty well done.


    GRAW 2 however, has minor lighting issues atleast in the 360 version, when you go into small forests in multiplayer, you just can't see very well so it might be hard to score a kill sometimes, I can't recall if it has nvg, I will have to check.

  12. Yeah, that was the first thing i tried doing when i finished all those tutorials and got all of those prize bubbles. I have also seen people make music melodies, rollercoasters that are just insane. I would laugh if there was a way to emulate anything in LBP. :D

  13. My XML Knowledge is pretty poor, but maybe this can help, which is an example i made about a year ago.



    save your .xml file to data.xml



    write your xslt, then name it as transform.xslt


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
    <xsl:output method="text"/>
    <xsl:template match="/">
     <xsl:for-each select="//category">
      <xsl:variable name="value" select="."/>
      <xsl:if test="count(preceding::category[.=$value]) = 0">
    <xsl:value-of select="."/>
    <xsl:text> (</xsl:text>
    <xsl:value-of select="count(//category[.=$value])"/>	 



    when you open in IE the following results will be categories listed, for example: Food(2) Toaster(3) Piano(4)

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