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Posts posted by Daeval

  1. Picked up some oldies again...


    Planescape: Torment rocks my socks. Best writing ever, period. The combat mechanics could definately be better, but the story and characters more than make up for it. It doesn't hurt that I love the Planescape setting, but there are so many unique ideas going on that the game easily stands on its own. As a bonus, you get the sexiest video game dialog ever if you pick the right options when talking to Annah.


    Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (PC) is better than I thought it would be. I never played any of the Splinter Cell games because they looked kind of stiff and boring, but I'm getting a kick out of choking people out and stuffing them in dark corners. I'm not bored to tears by the story either, which was surprising. The dialog is also well done, especially the oft-humorous "interrogate" bits (except for the bad accents).


    1Emulation hasn't nuked itself yet, so I loaded that up again too. Hi. 8)

  2. Eh, this guy's rant doesn't really sound like that of a developer. He doesn't give anything resembling specifics, or really say anything that everbody doesn't already know, except maybe that the dev kits are still not final hardware. Anyone with a friend in the industry could tell you that.


    And I definately wouldn't expect a developer to say this:

    But I would expect the full capabilities of the box to not show up until the system has been released PUBLICALLY for over a year.
    like it was any kind of surprise. That's just common knowledge for ANY system.


    I'm with Agozer on this one. I'll wait until everyone's in the ring to place my bets.

  3. Saw the movie Wednesday night.  Excellent at capturing the Batman feeling.  Although the plot was very simple, it had no holes and the movie was very 'immersive' in Batman's psyche - that alone makes it better than pretty much all of the Marvel films. 


    I especially liked the new designs of the suit/batmobile - Gotham is a little more stylized this time around (monorail, bridges, etc.) and all the angles in the shots create atmosphere.  Overall, great.


    P.S. - I remember Al-Ghul from the Batman cartoons i watched as a kid, but does anyone know the last time Dr. Crane appeared in a Batman show/comic?

    Crane was in the cartoons (The ones they used to show on Fox around the same time period as Animaniacs), as well as the only semi-recent comic arc I've read (HUSH..ugh).


    Gotham was a little weird this time. It's definately not Tim Burton's purely-gothic image. It's more like a modern day big city, with the glass high-rises and all, but grittier and with a decidedly gothic sense of detail.


    It's on par with the recent Spiderman films, in my opinion. Batman Begins does better with the psyche, like a much improved take on the kind of emotional exploration popular in mid/late 90's comics. The action in it, however, is not all that great (lots of really close up elbows and things, not enough visible fighting). The Spiderman films do better in terms of pure, silly, golden-age comic book action, but the emotional aspects just don't work as well.

  4. Just saw it, and it's quite good. Definately a giant reset-button for the "series" if you can call the movies that. It treated both heroes and villians with respect, even moreso than Burton, and something Schumacher can't even pretend to have done. It had its share of campy one-liners, but they didn't often overpower the dark feel of the film.


    I had a few minor gripes, but they are all nitpicks really. They wrote a little too much new material into the history for my tastes. The actor who plays Thomas Wayne doesn't have a strong enough "presence" for his crucial part. There was something not-quite-right about the actor chosen for Alfred as well (not skinny enough, I think, and the hair..). With the mask on, Bale looks a little too much like Jay Leno.


    On the other hand, there were a few pleasant surprises. I know Gary Oldman is an excellent actor, but I just couldn't see him as Gordon. He pulls it off perfectly, however, and instantly brings to mind the young Gordon from Year One. The car is a little obtrusive, and it doesn't really look batman-y, but its not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Al-Ghul's Lazarus pits are handled gracefully, and in a way that should please fans while not turning away mainstream audiences. Al-Ghul and Scarecrow are both very well acted - I was afraid Watanabe was going to look silly, but he pulls it off perfectly.


    Now, I just hope they forget all about the older films and make the sequel that this one begs for with as much respect.

  5. I wonder if those 64DD games will be available to U.S gamers. And I like the fact that it has backwards compatability all the way back to the old nintendo (except gamecube) if that's what's implied, and by way of download too.


    And for games not made by nintendo, who knows...maybe we'll see em when Ted Turner launches his roms service :(

    Actually, it's backward compatible with the gamecube also, you just have to have the actual disk. :huh:


    And Nintendo will probably present their download service as an alternate method for third party developers to re-publish older games. There's a market for older titles, as evidenced by a number of GBA re-releases and the popularity of those "classics" collections. This is obviously speculation, but it would be relatively low risk for all involved, I would think.

  6. I'd have to say at least 60% of Mac users are business minded professionals trying to get the most out of their software for things like video editing, photography etc. Macs currently win hands down when it comes to that sort of thing, but nothing beats a PC for gaming.......and we all know where most of the market share lies in the software market. VIDEO GAMES!


    Oh, as for the other 40%.......yeah, they are stupid tools who only own a Mac because it looks pretty, costs more (so it MUST be better ya know) and they can read their email on it. Like duh and stuff!

    And they can't play pirated games :P:blink:

    Or ANY games, really. Well ok, they could load up a ten year old copy of Marathon, but other than that...

  7. Rollercoaster Tycoon 3... Don't laugh, that crap is fun.


    Also some D&D (3.5 edition), with actual books and dice. Haven't done that in a while. The DM started us at level 10, which meant character creation took like 80000 hours. There's just too much crap to keep track of in the D20 system. That said, it's good fun.


    SRPGS for the WIN!

    Sweet, there was a chink in gryph's anti-eastern-rpg armor! These days, strategy RPGs are better on the whole anyway (when it comes to eastern rpgs).


    Uniracers. This game is just pure awesome.

    I thought I was the only one who thought that. Uniracers rocks.

  8. I'm glad to have a sequel as long as it improves/changes something. No need to reinvent the wheel when mixing up the roster, telling a new story, or tweaking the mechanics will make for a fun as hell game. Sequels that suck.. well.. that's a different story.


    Haven't had a chance to play Tekken 5 long enough to rate it though. I'm waiting for it to get dirt cheap and then I'll probably buy it.

  9. I have to disagree with the whole firewall = moron thing too. Average users get attacked for any number of reasons, and it's not always by ignorant script kiddies. Regardless of who the attacker is, they could do some serious harm even if your AV and other software are updated and optimized, so why take the risk?


    Now, would I ever in a million years recommend a software firewall? No.



    And for suvo:

    Torrents are funny things. You'll want to make sure your firewall is probably configured, but it could also just be a dead torrent. Torrents rely on many people downloading/seeding at once. If it's not a really popular file, speeds can fluctuate or bottom out rather randomly.

  10. That CLAMP game is based on an anime that's been fansubbed by AOne, if I remember correctly. Tsubababasomething Chronicles if I remember correctly. I watched about 2 minutes of it, spread over two episodes, and all I remember is weird fantasy characters in a modern/futuristic setting. Forgive me if it's some hugely popular otaku thing that I didn't know about.

  11. Well lucky japanese cab drivers. Damn them, if only this happened in miami!

    dude the bangbus is based in miami, so tail is being thrown around out there too.

    Yeah, like those are real. :)

    I don't really like bangbus that much, but my friend told me that the main guy is just a rich ass bastard who has nothing else to do with his money. So like with all other porn companies that say they do "anonymous " ppl, just pay them there and then

    Yeah, as raw as many companies try to portray it these days, porn in the US is pretty strictly regulated. I find it hard to believe that a company (and it IS a company) could get away with what they portray, considering the paperwork necessary just to show the girls on film. Nevermind VD testing. Anyway, way off topic and all...

  12. Eh, he makes a few good points, but he makes quite a few points that are not well thought out, or are too generally applied.


    Ironically, there is a matlock style courtroom game coming out for the DS. I forget what it's called, but it looks like a combination of courtroom dialog and adventure-game style investigation with the stylus. Unique stuff.

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