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Everything posted by F0XHOUND

  1. http://romulus.net63.net Here is my new version with the news. - ADDED Detection of bad dumps at end of Scan / Rebuild and Romulus asks to add it. Bad dump is detected when no CRC, MD5 and SHA-1 information found for a ROM. - ADDED Detection of duplicated ROMs at end of Scan / Rebuild and Romulus asks to add it. - ADDED Support for Zip64 format. This is support for big Zip files with more than 4Gb. Read and write it. - ADDED UTF8 file format for DAT files supported and import it without errors. - ADDED to XML parser full conversions of special chars based in numeric or hex codes. - ADDED Importation displaying information about imported sets count and currect process inside importation. - ADDED Proper German translation made by SpaceAgeHero, the old one sucks. - CHANGED Recoded all XML parser, fixing some possible errors and cleaning code. - CHANGED Recoded Scaning process fixing some rare but possible errors. - CHANGED Now a compressed file with no files inside is checked as a single ROM in Scan / Rebuild process. Sometimes a small file, compressors thinks is a compressed empty file. - CHANGED at Scan, CRC 00000000 or FFFFFFFF is considereded as a empty CRC information, included in baddumps creation process. - CHANGED Compressed files with a password are skipped and not processed in Scan. - CHANGED if checksum match in Scan but the filesize is different ROM is marked as valid but with a warning, in Rebuild file with wrong size will be marked as correct until a file with same checksum but correct filesize found. - CHANGED One more time little optimization for Zip files scanning with hundred of files inside. - CHANGED Adding path editbox to browserfolder dialogs. - CHANGED Forze rebuild when multidisk compressed files are placed in romspath. Multidisk files are not acepted in romspath, must be single compressed file. - CHANGED buttons sizes width to 90pix to fits fine the next future translations including the new German. - CHANGED in Generator when getting information of compressed files if file is multidisk is checked as a single not compressed file. - CHANGED Accepted Merged param at importation to force merging filemode for different filenames between master and clone set. - CHANGED Initialization progress bar when start to Scan. - IMPROBED Indexation at importing that increases a little bit the speed of scan. - IMPROBED Speed of importation when profile has clones. TODO LIST DONE - FIXED Importation in Clones relationship. If in Clone set a file exists in Master set automatic is merged. - FIXED Importation before merging the checksum is checked and if not the same automatic the relation between master and clone is broken. - FIXED Importation Bioses are removed from master and Clone sets and included in your own Bios set. - FIXED Filesize reading for RAR files of more than 2Gb was wrong, now is correct. This affects to Generator, Scan and Rebuild make the process not works fine. - FIXED importation filesizes larger than 4Gb now displays fine and not displays as 0 bytes. Reimport DAT to fix it. - FIXED Getting big filesizes to compare to database obtaining a reading compressing file error. - FIXED Broken relationship in Scan/Rebuild when Not merged filemode is set and profile has merge files or duplicates. - FIXED Display list in Not Merged filemode when profile has merge files or duplicates. - FIXED Roms counter in Not merged filemode when profile has merge files or duplicates. - FIXED importation of CHD filenames in Clrmame pro dat files non in xml format. - FIXED problems when Headers are active and CHDs exists in current profile. - FIXED fixing file message that shows again and again included if user says yes to all when headers must be fixed. Thanks to SpaceAgeHero and Mr Ravic for bug report. - FIXED Saving DATE field when new dat added and not updated for a old one. Thanks to Mr Ravic for bug report. - FIXED folders detection at long path names at Scan. - FIXED Bug in function removeconflictchars that is used to correct not valid filenames at importation. This bug is present in rare cases but can make errors on importation. - FIXED Max log lines that displays wrong count. - FIXED Change filemode in Properties using OK Button that causes the Main form can not be closed. - FIXED minor general bugs.
  2. 0.007 version released. Check my web.
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