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Everything posted by Californiadad

  1. I have my PS3 hooked up to my HD projector on a 125" screen, I wanna know if there is a light gun out there that I can use for it. Thanks
  2. Sorry been a long time, Just getting around to the cab again. Here are some picture updates. I got the 27" Tv mounted in place, installed the new 6x9 speakers and some external powered speakers with IPOD jack. Wired up one controller to the new board so far. I was testing it out today and all works perfect. I had a cool idea for the control panel that I made myself, what do you think? I might do the same think to the marque. FYI: it will look alot cleaner when I'm all done.
  3. I went to bestbuy a got a 50pack of. -R and they seem to work great. Burned a few already, and they play perfectly. On sale for $11.99 too
  4. Whats better for burning xbox games???
  5. Hey all, Sorry for lagging on the progress. Been busy doing the family thing. Here are some pictures of what I got so far. I plan on removing the 25" arcade monitor and retrofitting in a nice 27" standard TV. First thing I did was remove the old button panel, trace it out on a new pc of MDF, then I traced out a new pc of lexan for the top. Then I mounted both pc's to the arcade cab. For the button layout I just used photoshop to lay it all out. After that I started drilling it out. Thats kinda where I'm at now. I plan on soldering up my wires to a stock xbox controller, wish me luck.
  6. Yeah I planned on fitting in a 27" tV SLREADY PICKED ONE UP FOR $25.00 And for the buttons I ordered and X-arcade button pack with joysticks. I'm waiting on my controllers so I can start on my soldering/wiring job.
  7. Damn!!! Those look fantastic! I have a question on the screen. What size is it? It it a standard TV? How did you mount it in the cab?
  8. Thanks, yeah I'm making a nice little game room in my garage.
  9. yeah I know!! big Bank. Thats why I'm going to try and build my own. Lots of tricks like going to wire the coin insert as the add coin button or "back button" off the xbox remote. I got ideas coming out of my ears.
  10. I want to make a new marquee header for the top lighted section of the cab. Need a vote. What do you guys think?
  11. Just picked this up today for a very good price. I think It will work out well for what I plan to do. Going to use a fresh 27" TV powered by the Xbox two 4 way joysticks and about 22 buttons total, Might even see if I can run some gun's as well. First thing I need to do is cut myself a new button control panel and figure out the placment of all these damn buttons.
  12. Oh yeah I DL'd the new FBA, But just need to figure out how to correctly load up roms in it.
  13. Isobuster ^^ SWEEEEEEETTTTTT!!!!! Thanks IQ_132
  14. Well I wired up the remote and all worked fine for a min, but I noticed a slight electrical smell. Then my D pad went dead. So I guess I should have ran 2 wires to each D pad contact point. I guess the central ground is too strong for the D-pad. all the other buttons work just fine.
  15. oh, i see. well let me see if I have a program to do that.
  16. If I have an OG copy of wheel of fortune disc for the PS1, is there a way for my to get it to play on the Xbox? Thanks
  17. I copied a few roms over from FBA-XXX into the roms folder, and did the rebuild game list inside the emu and still does not see games?
  18. Thank man, I'll try and see if i can find those games online!! Ill let ya know
  19. Im just looking for something with better graphics "more realistic"
  20. Well I just DL the PCXBOX and I have the Final Burn as well. What format will give me the best graphics? whats the newer version?
  21. Ah yes forgot about PS2 where can I find the ISO for that one?
  22. Does anybody know if Xbox ever had a WOF game? Im looking for the game or a good Emu for it thanks!!
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