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Posts posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. I did grow up with the first Sonic games, and I didn't mind Sonic Adventure, but I acknowledge that it was not as good as any of the 2D ones. One thing I did hate about Sonic Adventure though, is that it was the game where Dr. Robotnik started calling himself Eggman. Like he forgot what his actual name was, so decided to go along with the insult name Sonic started calling him in the cartoon series.

  2. There's lots of these download only games coming out that a lot of people miss out on coz they like to buy retail. Popcap realised this and started putting their games on DVDs. I didn't even know until one day I saw Plants vs Zombies on DVD in a supermarket and I was like 'Hey, I illegally downloaded that a few months ago, but that case cover is pretty'

  3. Yeah, but it was the last one that was if you ask me. What I liked about it was the free roaming and the way they presented the story with each character seeing it from a different perspective. Then they took out both of those things for Sonic Adventure 2 and kinda ruined it. All subsequent Sonic games sucked.

  4. You miss my point, why is coinops not uploaded to xbins like other emu's?

    All very secret squirrel stuff really...

    You have to be a level 5 worshipper to be bestowed the gift of the sacred one. In seriousness, a lot of new homebrew stuff these days doesn't end up on xbins, it's done through PMs and such. You'll have to find out who has what you want, and ask them in a PM to give you a download link. It's secret squirrel indeed, but all xbox homebrew is illegal after all. You could try a PM to the man himself, but I wouldn't reccomend it.

  5. does anyone know the biggest hard drive the xbox console could handle without corruption?

    This is a good question. As we've said XBPartitioner will set the cluster size as high as needed depending on the drive's size, but I don't know if there's a limit on that. I wouldn't want to go above 1TB anyway coz 128k clusters is a lot of wasted space when there's lots of small files in a folder. And I wouldn't quite feel safe anyway. The stories of data corruption on partitions over 512GB put me off going any bigger than a 500GB drive anyway. I think 500GB is plenty big enough for an Xbox. The only reason my 250GB drive is full is coz I have all my games on the hard drive, coz I don't like getting up to put CDs in. I have almost a hundred games squeezed on and emulators, but I can't quite fit the full romsets on, which is the only reason I'd bother upgrading. 500GB would leave me with all my games, and all the emulators with full romsets, and still leave loads of room for music and movies if I wanted. Darknoir makes a good point about the availability of IDE drives though, the biggest I've found still available on UK retailer sites is a 500GB WD. Higher than that and it has to be SATA, and I wouldn't wanna have to use an adapter either.

  6. That's a crazy big drive for an Xbox. A 1TB drive would need 128k clusters to avoid corruption, so a 2TB may need 256k, not sure. XBPartitioner 1.1 works it out automatically when it does a format. I have a 250GB Western Digital drive in mine, and it's completely full. I may put a 500 in at some point if I can be bothered, but no bigger than that.

  7. Before you continue your pontificating, you really should know by now that I don't care at all about what you do. Your project could be a science fair volcano for all I care. I was just pointing out that it doesn't seem to matter who's around, there's always someone for you to fight with. Right now it's Kenshiro and (Xbox) for laughing at your wee wee, over Christmas it was Nes and someone called deadcalm coz you stole some code, who knows what next. Yes it's getting childish, but you live for it, and you know you do. That's why you double or sometimes tripple post responses the way you do. To keep the fight going. You'll only prove me right by responding negatively to this post.

  8. Who else likes flight sims? I felt like getting some use out of my joystick lately, (My Logitech stick, not my penis) so I bought a few flight sims I haven't tried. I bought Lock-On: Modern Air Combat, IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946, Blazing Angels 1 & 2, Heroes of the Pacific, and H.A.W.X. Angels, Heroes and H.A.W.X are arcade style shooters, whereas Sturmovik and Lock-On are realistic sims. I like to play both the arcade type ones and the realistic ones. Games like Blazing Angels stroke your pilot ego, letting you down a hundred enemy planes doing loops and barrel rolls all the way with great ease. Then you play something like Sturmovik and you find you can't even get a plane off the ground without smashing it to pieces.


    Until now I hadn't tried a realistic WW2 plane sim, and I've found out through playing Sturmovik that flying old planes is really hard. If you can get them off the ground it's a bitch to keep them in the air. You're constantly fighting wind and turbulance that wants to pull you into a spin and make you crash to the ground. I've played a few missions and I've actually yet to down an enemy plane. I've downed myself plenty of times though. Flying WW2 planes is crazy hard. Sturmovik is supposedly the most realistic WW2 combat sim available, and if it is accurate, I don't know how real WW2 pilots did it. I haven't tried Lock-On yet but I expect it to be very simlar to Falcon 4.0, which is the most realistic modern plane sim I've played to date. It may be a lot more complicated in terms of all the buttons and switches, but modern jet planes are so much easier to fly.


    Then there are space sims. I haven't tried many but I love X-Wing: Alliance. Don't need to worry about take off and landing there, just Tie Fighters.


    So who else likes wiggling their stick in front of their PC?

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