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Posts posted by Inky

  1. well you got quite a few hours out of Castlevania and Dragon Quest right?


    I haven't even turned my 360 on in a while, at least a week. dead rising 2 should change that. but that's still 2 weeks out.


    my living room TV broke and trying to play anything on the little 20 incher from the bedroom is just a waste of time.

  2. Boondock Saints II - most disappointing sequel ever.


    How so, the first one sucked ass.

    I never watched the first... but I had to cut the 2nd one off. It was utter shit.


    Watched a few recently. Seems as if Inky is going through Netflix as alot of the movies he mentions is new stuff released by Netflix streamable.



    I quite like the first Boondock Saints.


    and yeah, since Netflix made it's latest deal with Lionsgate and Paramount, the new releases are flooding in. some of my favorite b-horrors just got added. Subspecies 1 and 2. watching them tonight.

  3. The Bodyguard 1&2: Thailand movies with that square faced guy from Ong Bok; Funny action movies in their own right... but alot of the humor was lame.


    Crank 2: This movie sucks... and is entertaining at the same time.

    I got as far as the strip club shootout in crank 2. when the stripper got shot in the boob and silicone was spurting out I figured I'd seen enough to last me a lifetime.


    I watched Event Horizon last night. kinda cool pandorum / dead space kinda thing.

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