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[S4]The Phantom

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Posts posted by [S4]The Phantom

  1. I've been listening to some neo-geo bgm the other day with neojuke, and I was wondering if there are any ways to export the sounds into a seperate sound file.


    I heard it can be done with recording programs like record wizard, but I personally want to just extract the sound from the rom..if it is possible.


    Any possible tools/ways I can do this?

  2. Bush Administration, or to any administration in the past OR future will never want world peace.


    Having some corner or two on Earth ripping themselves apart is much more beneficial for America.


    As cold blooded as it sounds, its global politics. There is no humanity - if there was, then there woudln't be a DMZ in Korea, nor the endless strife in the middle east.

  3. Dont forget that this dump is the AES dump. There is still the MVS dump to hope for as it would be the ideal dump of this title (no need for fatality fixes, etc).


    I don't think the dumps will change anything. The difference is all in the BIOS.


    Yes it will.


    No sound bugs, because its unique to the AES version.


    Also no need to fix Zetsumei Ougi, cuz AES version was censored of it.

  4. Well getting to the point, I managed to find a video of all the death moves performed in samsh5sp WITH fully working sound, and I have downloaded several samsh5sp roms, one of which contained a 272-m1d.bin rom.








    The video you've downloaded is from the MVS version. In japan, the arcade machines have a slot to put a tape in and actually tape the gameplay without having any of other noises/human heads :P recorded. They are usually used for tournaments, but they are used for taping combos,fatalities as well. The video was I think first released in www.lastsky.net if I remember correctly. I posted this video download on the Current Events forum although its way down there.

  5. Final update on the news.


    It must be a bootleg cartridge or something, as a local gamer went to the arcade where they were rocket-testing it and wrote a long diary regarding it.


    Now the rocket testing is hastedly removed and the machine is nowhere to be seen. However, SNKP might take upon legal actions.


    Most of the info from www.sihon.net, from articles written by NIGHTWOLF and 夢路.


    In conclusion, its over and done with.

  6. More update on the news.


    SNKP officially declared that this was a scam and they have posted a statement at their official homepage.


    My friend whose major is Japanese is working on its translation, so I'm going to wait for her to finish the translation.


    Also, I am not sure if this is a bootleg cartridge or just a hoax.

  7. Now in the SNKP board it says that this is a pirated version and it is not official.


    In the official SNKP homepage, in the section named "ユサ日記" they said that they do not know of a new game rocket testing and if anything it's an illegal mod.


    Looks like the answer is no, unless SNKP wants to hide something blatantly exposed.

  8. I've heard they're adding a storyline, which I see is only possible by the amazingly creative crackpots of the SNK storywriters.


    Suija storyline has been confirmed, and I heard "little" balance changes will be in as well.


    I heard it started rocket-testing now, I'll get some more news about this asap.


    Another thing they changed is the CPU AI... I guess they figured it was just a little too much.

  9. John Locke is considered in psychological circles to be one of the founding father of behaviourism, in that his "tabula rasa" view of mankind eschewed any genetical influence. Tabula Rasa means "blank slate". Johon Benet Watson took the idea one step further, by explaining, " Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select--doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant- chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors"


    I think you're mistaken John Locke with B.F.Skinner.

  10. I live in America, but when I go back to my home in Korea

    Caber cafe gaming is the crap.


    Nowadays Console cafes are coming into challenge its might but along with Karaoke its the most popular entertainment in cities.


    In America, I have not seen many cyber cafes.


    As a word of advice, go with friends to play one game together. Its much more fun that way. Have a lan party at the cafe, its so much fun.


    Like back about 2 years ago I would always go with my friends and have SC or D2 PK fights where the winner buys everyone some noodles or something :P


    At night it can get a bit dark in there tho.

  11. Well put.


    I feel that it is really innovative game, because the sheathing of weapons actually can be used to combo or reduce delay on some moves to make a really techinical play possible.


    A lot of Samurai Shodown players who know SNK games give Ninja masters a lot of respect.


    However, the sprites and movement speed, the feeling of "weight" were not presented to the quality they could have done.


    I believe Swithin has gotten to all of my points as well, and I personally love their concept... just they failed to unleash in to the gamers.


    However, a new viewpoint by one of my SS colleague named Widol (pretty famous among SS players in Korea, and also very good at Kof/GG/SF etc) is that it was more of a "scout" game for the market.


    They implamented the new system of sheathing, different attacks with/without weapon, and so on... They were implanted into this game to see how the market responds to the new features.


    Not many realize this but many features in SS4 and some other fighting games have futures that were experimented in Ninja masters, and Widol names it "The bridge between old-style fighters to the new-style fighters".


    I give Ninja masters a good point for its historical significance in system, but as a retail title itself, its a bit weak.

  12. Considering how Yumeji summons perssimons, I am now at the conclusion that the most important skill in Shin Musou Itoryu is the ability to summon unkown fruit from a different time period/continent through his or her dimensional gate in the armpit.


    Of course, the armpit dim. gate thing is just speculation :peopleseybrow:

  13. Didn't Ukyo actually *enter* Hell, after all, to pick that certain flower? I guess it can be done.



    Yes, he did go into that bad place to pick up the "Ultimate Flower" for Kei. Unfortunately, he mistook a Catteleya plant for the ultimate flower.


    The funny thing is, the Catteleya plant was first discovered in the mid 20th century.


    With the SNK storywriters, anything can happen. Heck, Ukyo summons apples through the 4-dimensional gate in his armpit anyways ;)

  14. Considering the forums I've been visiting these days, 1emulation.com forums became a lot similar to those.


    Dark skin, avatar on left.


    Just feels natural, I guess.


    But I kinda miss the big white aura 1emulation had, too :(



    One wierd thing is I am seeing white frams around the emoticons when writing a post....

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