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Posts posted by DreamCastLover

  1. For an older PC game, Rally Championship is excellent. I think there is also an update too. Colin McRae 3.0 (amazing game) comes out at the end of June for the PC but I doubt you would want to wait that long :) Actually now that I think of it, Rallysport challenge just came out for the PC. I have it for the Xbox and it's a really decent rally title. Amazing graphics too.

  2. Yes, you read right. A cracked Bleemcast Beta has been released. The original bleem paks played 3 PSX games (Gran Turismo 2, Tekken 3 & Metal Gear Solid).


    This beta was designed to play ALL games and I've tested a few and they run perfectly. I'm so excited I could faint :)


    First, go to This Spanish Dreamcast site


    The link is the one that says descargatelo de aqui. Download it (duh!) :lol:


    If you have discjuggler you can use it (I personally hate it) but I recommend you get Alcohol 120% from here


    Select RAW (some cd burners can't do RAW so if yours can't, start crying now :) ) and burn at the lowest speed setting.


    Put it in your dreamcast and when the flashing logo comes up, put in a PSX game. Then remind yourself that the DC is the best console EVER. Thank you and goodnight! :lol:

  3. Thanks for the info Magnis :D


    My last version of Adaware (the last version of 5.xx) didn't detect 185 items 8) I will also give spybot a try.


    I hate spyware. I don't need any programs lagging down my connection. It's bad enough still having dialup :)

  4. - corrupted files after spending hours getting them on dialup

    - when I was 17 & my band got all our equipment stolen. Ever seen a grown man(well boy) cry over a guitar? well I did hehe

    - When my last gf before my current one split up with me because she said " I love you too much" WTF!?

    - Finding out my mum gave away a ton of my old NES, Megadrive & Snes carts to a "family friend" because his son collects them. That's what I was doing you stupid nonce!!!! PS Apart from that I love me mum :lol:

    - Listening to George W Bush


    And a lot of other personal stuff. Generally I don't get upset too much unless it's something really bad. I did however nearly break my hand when I punched a wall because I couldn't do a pro challenge in THPS4 :roll:


    Must learn self control......must not kill...*takes some more pills*

  5. They have released very little info. Just that it's going to be broadband based and be compatible with the PC back catalogue. I can see why everyone is scepticle though, I mean they said they were going to appear at E3 in May but E3 organisers say they will not be represented. So who knows? :lol:


    Personally, I think that this is an idea that isn't going to pan out but I wish them good luck anyway. If it's great then I will obviously buy one :roll:

  6. I think Xbox2 will be the leader in terms of hardware capablities but as far as games go...I think PS3 will have the edge there unless M$ buys some more good game developers.


    Well MS have bought Rare which has given them access to a few good exclusives:


    Perfect Dark Zero

    Conkers Other Bad Fur Day

    Kameo: Elements of Power

    Banjoe Kazooie 3

    Some unknown Racing Title


    Then there was the interesting news this week about MS trying to buy Vivendi's game division which would give them exclusive rights to games like Warcraft, Starcraft, Counterstrike, Half Life 2, Diablo, Spyro, Icewind Dale, The Thing, No One Lives Forever, Baldurs Gate, Ground Control, Dark Angel, Dark Age of Camelot, Alien vs Predator, Crash Bandicoot, Malice, Men of Valour(sequel to medal of honour), Tribes, Team Fortress 2, & Empire Earth plus a few others.


    I don't know whether that is a good thing or quite scary :P but If MS do buy Vivendi Universal then it will signal thier intent to be the big (or at least clear 2nd)players in the video games industry.

  7. Definately one of the greatest RPGs ever made.


    It looked good, the sound was great and it had an original battle system. It was also pretty hard which helps because I HATE easy RPGs (Final Fantasy X bleah rubbish)


    It's not as good as Chrono Trigger but it is pretty close.

  8. I can't choose only 5 so I did 10 and In no particular order


    1. Grandia 2

    2. Crazy Taxi

    3. Jet Set Radio

    4. Skies of Arcadia

    5. Virtua Tennis

    6. Rez

    7. Headhunter

    8. Seaman

    9. Typing of the dead

    10. Street Fighter 3 Third Strike


    To be honest though I could name 100 brilliant Dreamcast games. The system is/(was :P) that good.

  9. Congrats on finally getting your hands on the lovely cube :idea:


    I actually like the look of Wind Waker. I have complete faith in Nintendo that it will be one of the best games ever. They very rarely let us down.


    Also, Two towers is excellent. Even the GBA version which is kind of like a handheld version of Diablo II. The big console version is just like I would want a 3D Golden Axe or Gauntlet to be like. It kicks Guantlet Dark Legends ass on Xbox. It is one of the worst games I have ever played.

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