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Posts posted by BoomBa_GoosE

  1. its amazing what obsessed fans would do. thats what the news referred him as...a fan. i ono if he was, but man, concerts are gettin dangerous nowadays. i think this year, we have this killing, the tear gas at the R. kelly and jay-z concert, we have that one concery in new jerset or somewhere in the east coast where they had pyro inside the club, burned the place down and a gripful of people died. lets not get started on the last woodstock with the tremendous heat, 20 dollar water bottles and rapes and stuff.......crazy people... :P

  2. is there any signs of damage to that hologram in the middle? is it vulnerable to anythin?


    and though there are 4 i belive that are out...the site looks like its gonna release a big number of other characters as well....

    a total of ten.



    SF controller


    i see, guile, sagat, cammy, bison, i think i see another ryu (evil?)...

  3. damn, I can't really figure out the true issue behind yer problem, try looking it up at the support forum: http://forums.whatpulse.org/


    really hate to lose you off the team man :(


    yeah im still gettin the same problem. and my rank jus got better too haha. damn, this sucks...what the hell happeend....



    Problem sovled! =) just in case this might happen with someone else, if ur comp crashes and u get that message like i did, what happens is that whatpulse got out of sync with the registry so u have to delete C:\Program Files\WhatPulse\WhatPulse.bin or where ever ur bin. file is at and delete that. click on the app and ur good to go. :(

  4. o man, someone fuucked with my WhatPulse. i restarted my comp, or actually it crashed and then i got a pop-up sayin my whatpulse has been tampered or corrupted. must terminate...BOOOOOOOO bullcrap.....



    awwww man, i reinstalled, and i still got that message....i think imma be off the team fellaz...let me get into this problem!

  5. well. basically the two hosts choose people randomly on the dance floor to battle against each other and the win is based on the cheers of the crowd.


    the dj who is dj k-sly (hot!!) uses the oH so crazy dz-1200 turntables which allows u to scratcch, mix, juggle whatever just like vinyls with CDs...i want those so bad haha...



    well hese the site if u wanna check out the show..

    Dance 360

  6. its an okay show. some of the dancers are pretty clean, but there are some that are just terrible. one girl really made the saying "white people have no rythm" (which isnt completely true) come to life on tv haha. though its pretty much a rip-off of the Rob Wadeson Project on MTV (i think thats his last name)...its kool since its on basic programming...

  7. an application will sure save me somtime, i mean i want to make a full backup of my comp archives, lets say about 20 cds, selecting the files for two cd is fast so is burning, but 20 cds is another thing, don´t you think?



    im not sure if i udnerstand what u are sayin...but...i think the closest thing i can think of, is norton ghost or other ghost programs. which pretty much puts ur whole hard-drive in one image that would fit on a dvd...so if ur comp crasahed, u dont need to reformat, u just need to upload ur ghost and its back to normal..


    but u want ur roms and stuff in a short number of resources....hmmmm beats me dude..sorrie.

  8. these kind of topic would ended up starting a flame war



    nah its our love for music, and sometimes it could get heavy when someone says i hate this kind of music bc of blah blah blah....u can hate a type of music, but if we understood why that kind of music is so good to other people, there shouldnt be any flame war. like for me, imma be honest and say i hate mexican music with the accordians and stuff like that. im guessin the traditional, common mexican music. but its part of the culture and people of the hispanic decent have grown up with it and learned to love it...so GOOD FOR THEM! :D like jus this year, i can understand why people like country...its nice sometimes haha :)

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