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Posts posted by Salorskin

  1. Do I hear Jim Carey?



    No, I definitely don't.




    Some of the other Joker pictures I've seen reminds me of the Smiley's on Manhunt... l mean, I could picture him acting like them, no resemblance or anything like that (and not the babbling). Hopefully they make him scary or something.

  2. I am now an absurdist.


    Quick clip for those too lazy to click the link:


    Absurdism is a philosophy stating that the efforts of humanity to find meaning in the universe will ultimately fail (and, hence, are absurd) because no such meaning exists, at least in relation to humanity.



    That sounds like an interesting stance...



    As for religions being true or false, I don't think it's so black and white. Every religion is true in some way, it mostly depends on how the religion affects the people following it.

  3. Frank Black (Yes, he's actually released albums after The Pixies)

    Godspeed! You Black Emperor


    Doesn't Frank Black have a pretty devout cult-like following? Anyways, a lot of his material outside of The Pixies is amazing... and I don't really think Godspeed! You Black Emperor is underrated, just definitely not a mainstream success.


    Ennio Morricone


    Ennio Morricone is very well respected as a composer and is not underrated in any way. He's an award winner, dude. It's almost like saying Chopin was underrated. Almost.


    Velvet Underground

    Lou Reed (Velvet Underground singer gone solo- Check out Perfect Day off the Trainspotting soundtrack)

    Yeah Yeah Yeahs


    Choking Victim (definitely worth checking out)

    Leftover Crack (same as Choking Victim different drummer)

    The Distillers

    The Faint

    The Locust (noise Rock, mostly not understandable, but the music itself is OK...but I find it cool that they use insect noises)

    The Pixies (They did the last song in the last scene of"Fight Club" called "Where is My Mind" Also, check out "Gigantic" I love that song)

    Steppinwolf (Come on.... you know you love that magic carpet song)

    Psycotica (the best band of the 90's you never heard of)


    The Dead Milk Men



    Velvet Underground and Lou Reed are DEFINITELY NOT underrated! VU receives all of the credit they deserve, and I guarantee everyone has heard Reed's voice at some point of their lives. (look up "Sad Song" and "Street Hassle" -- great great stuff)

    As for Steppenwolf, if you haven't heard, look up "The Pusher" and "Snowblind Friend."


    I'd love to say that the Pixies are underrated, but they aren't. People have at least heard OF them. It wasn't Fight Club alone that catipulted them to great fame (in the U.S. to say the least, they were VERY popular in Europe during their `87-93 tenture). The fact Nirvana openly mentioned that they admired them and took their very much loud-quite-loud music dynamic. Even as far as saying they were trying to rip off "Debaser" for Teen Spirit. Of course the Foo Fighters as well owe their style to the Pixies as well. Covering "Tony's Theme" frequently in 1996-97.




    Pixes aren't underrated anymore. Maybe 20 years ago yeah, but certainly not now.


    Didn't Cobain say that Surfer Rosa definitely influenced the direction he went with his music? Honestly, they (Pixies) are one of my favorite bands. I'm convinced that every great band from the 60's to early 90's sucked just about all of the talent and originality from rock music.



    Let's go for stuff that's kind of obscure... Rites of Spring, Sunny Day Real Estate (first album = amazing), The Promise Ring, John Vanderslice, Fad Gadget, and Thursday (old stuff is underrated, new stuff is overrated).

  4. I really love that Nietzsche quote... I also like:


    "You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist."


    "All things are subject to interpretation; whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.”

  5. The background looks mediocre and lacks detail... not next gen at all... and the slut doesn't even look as good as Kazuya. The jaggies are definitely noticeable.

    Kazuya does look pretty awesome, though. Better than his previous character model in Tekken V.


    After seeing VF5 high def this just doesn't compare.

  6. I agree with Belthasar - perversion is definitely relative. I honestly don't find many sexual things to be perverted unless they have to do with a different species (not human), children, the dead, mentally challenged, family members, or if it includes disfigurement, dismemberment, or any type of serious physical/emotional harm.

    But I'm also into decency - if it's not practiced it's likely I'll think the person to be either an idiot, slut, or perv.

  7. Just remembered more!

    So, it was the last night working at this camp, and everyone snuck out. We were chilling and talking for a while and decided to get some beers. Well, everyone got wasted, pretty much... we hung out by this rock climbing wall near a field, and it was really close to the cabins - but we were still loud as hell. Everyone began parting ways, but my friends Sophia, Melissa and I decided to look for Ryan (I forgot what he was doing, but it was likely that he was having sex in the two story cabin). While searching for Ryan we came across several golf carts, and surprise surprise Melissa knew how to drive them! So, we hopped on, drove around, found Ryan, and went to this point overlooking the lake while plastered... it was probably one of the greatest nights I've ever had at work.


    Another amazing day was on a Friday after working at camp. Ryan, our friends DJ, Sean, Courtney and I bought beer and jaggermeister and drove out to Riverside to find a tree. We pulled over to this dirt road, grabbed the alcohol, and hiked till we got to a small pond and a huge tree with a swing that went over a huge dip. While getting drunk we met up with some random dude that had two beautiful German Shepherds... he was pretty cool, he drank a little with us and told some stories. We were there for most of the night, just drunk talking bullshit and swinging from this rope on an old tree.


    I'll have to think of more.

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