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Posts posted by taratata

  1. I went to school in California and they don't actually teach "theology." Rather, if at all, they teach the sociological cause and effect of religons. Try not to facilitate some European kid going to public forum saying "Ooh ooh, America's become a veiled theocracy. I heard it, they said so themselves."

    Why would you care about what a stupid european kid would say?


    We use Science.  We just have very different views of what caused something.

    That's not science. That's bullshit. I could have gone in a deep analysis of his arguments, but this has been done many times already. Just google the author's name and you'll see.


    Why should a Christian father be paying money so that the goverment can deteriorate his kids belief in God?
    How would that deteriorate his kids' belief in god? It may just deteriorate their belief in a religious theory that tries to pass off as science. It's really not the same.

    Many scientists are christians.


    The question above would be better expressed as:

    "Why should a Christian father be paying money so that the goverment can deteriorate his kids belief in creationism?"


    If all parents could teach everything their kids should learn, why would there be schools? Most parents can't teach everything their children should know, because:

    1- They don't have the time necesseray for that.

    2- They don't have the knowledge necessary.

    3- Some things they believe to be true have been proven wrong.


    Why would kids be taught creationism and not that the earth is flat, or that it is the center of the universe? I'm sure some parents still believe that.


    Also, if creationism should be taught for choice's sake, then so should be all the other religious theories, including the one that says that earth is a giant underwater turtle, and that we live on it's back (sorry I don't remember from which culture this myth comes from). And why not the FSM theory?

  2. Please lets try to respect each others opinions and not trash each other.

    That is absolutely essential for all intellectual debates :rolleyes:


    Should teachers even be teaching evolution when it is all just theory just like creation would be?

    Like has been said so many times, science theories are based on facts. If you can find a solid fact that goes against a scientific theory, that theory is not considered valid anymore. If one could find a solid fact that went against evolution, it would also be considered invalid.


    Religious theories are based on revelations and are then relayed by books, and other means. You can find an infinity of facts that go against it, it'll still be considered valid by religious people because it's written in their book.


    In schools here (probably the same in USA, please correct me if I'm wrong), evolution is not taught as a revelation Darwin had. The facts are presented to the students. They are not learning it as a rule, they are understanding it with logical thinking (well, at least in theory). Just like the rest of science. Science is not taught only for itself, it also helps develop critical thinking. It helps kids not believe anything they are said, just because some "authority" said it.


    Religious theories, on the opposite, don't help develop critical thinking (except when heard from a skeptic's point of view). They can't be questioned, they just are. This would rather tend to help develop sheepish thinking, wouldn't it?


    It would be very good to teach creationism in school, but in theology class, along with other beliefs from other religions. But certainly not as a valid alternative to evolution.


    About the word "theory": just because something is a theory doesn't mean it's just some babbling. It means that it's an abstract explanation of some facts. Just because the word theory also applies to mindless babbling, doesn't mean all theories are mindless babbling.

    I could quote a famous joke about that, but everyone has probably read it a hundred times already.


    Do you know if that book "Of pandas and people" is available on-line? I'd like to know what such a "reference" would say. Please note that I'm not ready to pay a single cent for it thought, I'd just like to find an on-line pdf or html version.

  3. Funny to see that the thread has been dissected by a master surgeon :P


    Jeez, I give up.  Take what you want from my posts and don't take what you don't want.  I don't care. But don't be trying to make me sound racist or close minded.  EXCUSE me if I say America, it's a term that we use here.  English people are always saying "Mate"  I don't go around complaining that I don't want to procreate with them.   


    Now, there are a couple of things you can all complain about.  Tell me how English people are not the only ones that say "mate".  And complain about how I keep saying "here" when I refer to the U.S. of A.   


    Hey now you can complain about how I can't expect everyone to know what the abbreviations U.S. of A. are and that I should spell out the full thing.   




    Anyway, to try and stick to the subject I will let you all know that I really don't know if I should get a micro or just one of the new SPs.


    No problem, mate :rolleyes:

    I just said that out of respect for the americans on this board that don't have US citizenship (mostly canadians, but not only).


    Learn how to make the difference between race and culture, learn that multiculturalism isn't a US exception and it'll be fine. As an added bonus, you may even learn what "Only in America" really applies to. You'll see there's not much (well of course there is, just like in any country. But these specific things are mostly habits, not great ideological traits. Even the "we're the centre of the world" feeling applies to many people, in many countries).


    Drake: I could try to send you a sandwich, but it'd be in a pitiful state when you'd receive it :-P


    About japanese culture and videogames, I can only speak about my personal experience. I knew two japanese girls (sadly they went back to Japan). They considered videogames as a freakish activity. Disturbing when you hear that from a japanese person for the first time, isn't it?

  4. Thank You!


    That's all I'm trying to say.  It's just a fact.  More of certain people play certain types of games.  Not saying they ALL do. 


    And I'm not saying it's a bad thing either.  I love the fact that we have so many different cultures. 


    Only in America can I go out and eat Pho, followed by an Horchata, then after that go get myself a Cafe Cubano, then later go eat Pizza and end the night with some Krispy Kreme Doughnuts.


    Did you EVER get out of America?

    Within 500m of the place I live in, there are at least:

    5 asian restaurants

    1 asian supermarket

    5 kebabs

    2 morrocan bakeries

    1 cuban nightclub

    1 russian restaurant

    2 pakistanese restaurants

    countless pizzerias

    countless irish, canadian, english, etc... pubs

    ... and there are lots more that I don't know about or have forgotten.


    Note that I don't live in America (America as a continent that is, as America isn't a country. I guess that in your previous post you meant the USA).


    I may not be able to eat Krispy Kream doughnuts, but can you eat socca? I guess not. I bet you don't even know what that is.


    Have a nice day and may God (if it's not just a very powerful tool to control people) may enlarge your views.

  5. Japan is just a lot more stable than us.  Mostly because it's just one Culture, so mostly just one way of thinking. 


    Here, we have a bunch of cultures so things are very different.


    You usually have the white kids who tend to really be into First Person Shooters.  Then there are the black kids who are into totally different games.  Things like Need for Speed underground and Grand theft Auto.  Then there are the Latinos who are really into things like Soccer.  And then Asians who are really into their RPGs. 


    Obviously I'm not syaing these people only play these kind of games, I'm saying that's how the market sorta splits. 


    Japan is mostly Japanese, and they seem to love their thinking games.

    Us like you and me (or him)? Or us like U.S.A.? It's the internet man, not everyone is in the States ;)


    I also have real doubts about being able to classify people based on their race... I'm not black and I love GTA :D A race doesn't make a culture, a country does. Even if it's a mixture of cultures, it ends by blending up.

    And if you really want to make a difference, I'm sure rich black people from Boston have a lot more in common with rich white people from the same city, than with poor black people from L.A.


    Culture however is something different, and japanese people have a really different culture. They're not single-minded though. I had japanese friends a few years ago, they blew up all my cliches.


    Sorry if I sounded a little harsh, but I just hate this kind of classifications.


    EDIT: I almost forgot about the GBM :unsure:

    It looks really nice, but way too small. I feel the GBA SP is a little too small to play comfortably, I can't even imagine that one. It looks really nice though. It would make a great miniature movie player while taking the train or the tube.

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