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Posts posted by wacko_jacko

  1. Man, its not that hard to use. Unless your actually creating characters, you don't have to code much at all. As Teamplayer said, its all in the docs.


    I personally wasn't a fan of that configurator, as it majorly stuffs up your select.def for those fancy screenpacks.

  2. what is the diffrent between fat32 and ntfs for the HDD... I change from Fat32 to NTFS and I notes that my Pc start to be slower..

    NTFS supports file access security, encryption, auditing and journaling. Most of these things are not used by home users, although you might want to still keep it because it recovers better from a crash. You might also want to try defragmenting your drive to see if the speed improves.

    I read in a magazine (forgot which one) that defragin your system doesn't affect your speed in any ways.


    And i don't think there would be much of a difference in speed between those formats. Just more options like security and larger files.

  3. Mate those programs remove spyware thats already in your system (well i think they do). Everytime you go back online, they will keep coming back unless your protected by a firewall.


    Anyways, spyware isn't the only thing that causes popups you know. Just get a popup blocker.

  4. 1/2 around the stage could bounce you off the wall for infinite with anyone

    Absolutely false, as long as you continue getting up, you will continue cornertraped on to the wall, after the second punch, you should be fall evenly to the ground, where you could just roll out. This is rookie level defense.


    and lets not get started with the unreasonable cheap Jin.

    No such thing as cheapness in any tekken game, everyone is an individual, each and single of em has a variety of attributes, weaknesses, offense and defense. Anyone who can master counters and finding yer oponent's weakness, that's your winning ticket.

    Characters aren't really that cheap :D. It's the person who use them. I can play Jin like a cheap B#$#%tch, but i prefer using Lei. Super weak, but super fun.


    But it is unfortunately true that Jin was severely overpowered in Tekken 4. I sorta gets boring watching those tournaments movie, where most of the time you will always see a Jin vs Jin match.


    At least Tekken 5 is on it's way and from what i've seen so far, its gonna rock :D

  5. Oh ok. I just got confused when Alexis mentioned Argentina as they are a soccer mad nation.


    Anyways, i still want in.


    Don't really know any modern players as it doesn't get much coverage here in Australia, as we have like 4 different football leagues (Aussie Rules, Rugby League, Union and Soccer). At least i've played quite a bit of Madden and NFL Blitz so i understand the game - to an extent.

  6. What league are we talking about exactly - English,Italian, Spanish etc, or do you list players or something.


    And stats wise, which stats are we actually talking about. It's easy for basketball (ie rebounds, steals, points etc), but there isn't really any stats like that for soccer. Headers, kicks, slidetackles? That would really suck.


    I suggest me just choose strikers or something, and tally up goals.

  7. :( why doesnt he make it open source, i am sure someone else can take it up and improve on it. selfish bastard  :)

    Probably because he takes great pride with his programming skills and doesn't want people modifying his work and taking all the credit.


    It really is sad the the final itteration of Zinc will be upon us (who knows when though), but as long as it's good, I don't really mind.

  8. Ok, I downloaded the MVC screenpack by Drachir and installed in to the latest Dos mugen. After i configure everything, Mugen won't load. It just shows the console, and then exits.


    Any ideas on how to get it to work?


    I would usually ask at mugenguild or shinmugen but it usually takes some for an answer, or they may flame me for asking such a n00b question. Anyways, we seem to have some pro mugen dudes here anways, so any help would be appreciated. :)


    Edit: Ok after reading through the shinmugen forums, i here that the latest version of this screenpack has an error in it's def file(linking problems or something).


    Can anybody possibly send me an older version (or a version that works for you) of this awesome, awesome screenpack?

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