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Posts posted by ugenn

  1. I remember when Doom made me go wow, because it had steps, and bridges, and such cool looking graphics and weapons.


    And then Quake 1 made me go wow, because you could look everywhere with the mouse, up and down, anywhere, and the beautiful and gothic 3d environments.


    And then Quake 2 made me go wow, because of the (3dfx voodoo) lighting, and the music, and the fact you COULD SHOOT DEAD BODIES ON THE FLOOR!


    *trips out* wow.

    Doom made me dizzy.

    Quake gave me a headache.

    Quake 2 made me throw up.

    I've stopped playing FPS since.

  2. I'm surprised that no one has mention Shelton Benjamin's accelerated push once he first stepped into RAW.

    That push was just a temporary one, as with nearly all the pushes given to the wrestlers (Haas, Renee Dupree etc) traded during the raw/smackown draw. He'll be stuck in midcard soon enough.

    Yeah, come to think of it, what is his finishing move anyway? :)

    It seems like a dropkick if i remember

    You are getting Maven confused with Shelton Benjamin...


    Anyways, Shelton's main finisher is the Dragon Whip and his secondary finisher is the Super Kick ala Shawn Michaels and Stinger Splash.

    What does the Dragon Whip do? I hope it's not as lame as an irish whip.

  3. I'm surprised that no one has mention Shelton Benjamin's accelerated push once he first stepped into RAW.

    That push was just a temporary one, as with nearly all the pushes given to the wrestlers (Haas, Renee Dupree etc) traded during the raw/smackown draw. He'll be stuck in midcard soon enough.

  4. Well with Undertaker retiring soon, WWE needs someone new to fill in the spot that taker left vacant and Orton is the best man for the job IMHO...

    If Flair can keep going, so should he!

    Yo, if Funk is still wrestling, then anyone can still wrestle at 65 :D

    Funk is no longer a draw. He's probably still in the biz to make ends meet.

  5. Forget those things! I want "Hardcore Championship" back to life! :D


    *Nah! Guess it wouldn't happened anyway." :P


    Triple H vs Orton? Tired already. How about Orton vs Eugene putting the belt on the line. That should be hilarious if Eugene 'really' win the match. Doh! ;)

    Hell, no. There is an over-saturation of titles as it is. In the good old days, it used to be that even winning a mid-card title like the IC title was a big deal and the mid card division was as exciting to follow as the World title. Think Randy Savage v Ricky Steamboat, Bret Hart v Mr Perfect, Bret Hart v Bulldog, Ultimate Warrior v Rick Rude, Bret Hart v Roddy Piper. I could go on and on.....but today, what has the IC title been reduced to? Just another means for plot advancement and the plots aren't even that damn great.

  6. For all of you who say that Orton has not paid his dues you are totally incorrect he has been wrestling for along time now in smaller promotions in the USA and Japan, working his ass off to improve until he finally got a chance to fight on Saturday Night HEAT and his skills impressed McMahon so he was given the chance to wrestle for the WWE.


    Also,  Orton and Cena are the only real new wrestlers that deserve a Main Event push.


    Additionally, HHH has only been champion so many times because he was banging Stephanie. Although, he is an awesome wrestler his backstage politics make him a LOSER in my books.

    A long time? At 24, how long can long possibly be? Longer than Mick Foley took to reach main event status? Longer than Shawn Michaels? Bret Hart? Benoit? Fact is, his rise was super-accelerated by high-profile feuds with Mick Foley and Rock to get over. I feel he should have some main event, albeit non-title feuds first before entering the title picture. Orton vs Triple H could have happened without the title.

  7. why would anyone even use FAT32 anymore, it sucks ass  ;)

    Well, I still use FAT32 as I am using dual boot windows which is Win98 and WinXP on my PC. It's pretty convenient for me to access files on another drive in the same format. When you are using Win98, you cannot access the other drive which is in NTFS format. A friend told me that using NTFS format would cause some troubles but don't know what he meant by 'trouble'.

    NTFS can be a pain when bare-metal recovering (ie recovering from a self-contained boot disk) from a serious crash/error because the MS boot disks do not recognise NTFS.

    so... fat32 is better :D....as you say

    It really depends on your requirements. I personally use NTFS on my XP box because I have multiple users using that machine. I use a Linux recovery disk which is able to access my NTFS partition so I get the best of worlds.

  8. why would anyone even use FAT32 anymore, it sucks ass  :D

    Well, I still use FAT32 as I am using dual boot windows which is Win98 and WinXP on my PC. It's pretty convenient for me to access files on another drive in the same format. When you are using Win98, you cannot access the other drive which is in NTFS format. A friend told me that using NTFS format would cause some troubles but don't know what he meant by 'trouble'.

    NTFS can be a pain when bare-metal recovering (ie recovering from a self-contained boot disk) from a serious crash/error because the MS boot disks do not recognise NTFS.

  9. I don't think they'd "give up" a trained bear like that.  It would take a lot of work to train a bear to dig into coolers and drink only a certain kind of beer, and the cost of basically "throwing away" all that work back into the wild would be crazy.  It sure does sound like a marketing stunt though.  :o


    While we're on conspiracies, there was a pizza hut (chain pizza restauraunt) in this strip mall in my town which was there for years.  One day, a little mom and pop type pizza/italian place openned up in the same strip mall.  Within the same month, the pizza hut burnt down.  :lol:

    Ooh...mafia? :D

    Sorry that was me...I REALLY need to watch where I'm trying to breathe fire.

    From which orifice?

  10. He's pushed too fast because he hasn't been in the biz long enough to pay his dues. Look at the past champs who have really made a huge impact on wrestling: Bret, Austin, HBK, Triple H, Benoit etc, they all had long illustrous careers filled with ups and downs before got their first world title. An when they finally got the belt, you could really feel like they earned it.


    Orton? How many years does he have under his wing? Just one IC title reign (which ended fairly recently too) and he's now pushed to main event status. Yes, I agree he has the raw talent, but so do many other mid-carders. W/o his family connections pulling strings behind the scenes, Orton would probably be some jobber on Heat or Velocity today.

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