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Posts posted by Soundboz

  1. Here's my sight on what's foing to probably going to happen:


    1.) Kid's won't be able to get their parents to buy them a psp when their parents see the price tag (Estimated: 250-ish)

    2.) Hardcore PS2 junkies will join the bandwaggon

    3.) Little kids will stick to GBA


    It really comes down to the price tag, and if sony is going to push the "mature gamer" approach on the item (Like Nokia did).

  2. am I the only one that notices that athena has either been


    a.) seriously downgraded

    b.) had a style tweak


    a lot of her really good combos from 97-2002 no longer work on 2003, and her pheonix arrow has gotten worse and worse, to the point that you can't abuse it against the computer :rolleyes:


    her pheonix arrow super has also changed it's properties, namely it's combination ;)

  3. Whoever gets this to work in NRX will be my eternal father who art in heaven hallow be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us for our treaspasses as we forgive those who tresspass against us, and lead us not to tempation, but deliver us from evil, for thyne is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever, amen.




    This is really exciting, I had to think back to my stupid confirmation to type up the lord's prayer :D

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