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Posts posted by neoryu

  1. This emulator could become the best on the xbox in my opinion. Updating the core to the latest PC versions is a great idea.


    First problem I have found is that most of the CPS2 roms will run in 480P, but 720P only allows some of them to run. A good many of them cause the emulator to lock up on 720P. Vampire Savior (and many others) will lock it up every time. :D


    FBA PRO 1.28 runs at 720P with all CPS2 games working, so hopefully you can take a look at this when you get a chance kenshiro. I have to use 720P due to my monitor not displaying 480P well at all.

  2. Some Vampire/Darkstalkers on FBAXXX. The first game has been on my mind so much that I can't stay away from it for too long lately. Next, I'll dig into Vampire Hunter and then Vampire Savior after that. Also been playing some Street Fighter Zero, Metal Slug (FBAXX) and Valis 4 on Mednafenx PCE.


    I'm currently stuck on Ninja Gaiden II ( for XBox 360) at Chapter 6 on Master Ninja. What a badass game that is. One of the most underrated current generation games.

  3. lol believe me i did a lot, i worked mostly on Neogeo and also to catch this CPS2 memory leak (which is also in the official FBA).


    Also took a look at this f****** coin button and inputs, and was definitly surprised of what i found, i mean some parts of code are simply unreadable :blink::blink: (can't see where the brackets are, code not indented...)... :ph34r: I gonna do what i can <_<



    I sent you a PM kenshiro. You are a blessing to the retro community. :thumbsup1:

  4. I would love to help test this awesome piece of work, but for some reason this site will not allow me to pm you kenshiro. I wish there was a way to get this beta :)


    I have been using a MagicBox controller adapter and the official Sega Saturn controllers with FBA PRO 1.28 for over a year. Hopefully this release accepts the MagicBox adapter usage. The non-PRO version would freeze the emu when going into the in-game menu, but the PRO version works great with it.


    I hope this 1.29 release works with it. Thanks for working on this incredible update that we have been waiting so long for. If only I could get it. :)

  5. So which version did you sort it for? v1.26 or v1.28?


    I've found that v1.28 runs all my games in 1080i/720P flawlessly, but you must switch HD modes while in a game in order to avoid a hard freeze. I run in scanlines 75% and I gotta say that for some reason the audio problems present in regular Fbaxxx are GONE in Pro v1.28.


    The decrypted sets for the neo geo roms work in HD mode, but these games only work in 480I: ('Others' sets) Guwange, Esprade. Gunbird, Tengai and Sailor Moon will work in 480I or 480P. So with the exception of these five games, its 1080i without a hitch for me. Gaming nirvana.

  6. Nice, been a while since i last updated fba-xxx pro heh



    Hello guys. Just want to let someone know that Kof2000 encrypted and Kof2000n (non encrypted) will NOT boot in HD mode. These will only load in 480i for some reason. When I enable 720p or 1080i, the loading bar stops halfway and stays there.


    I don't know if FBA extreme will adopt the same features, but I figured I give this info to Djohn anyway. I wish I had an HDtv a two months ago so I could have caught this.


    I'm so excited about the future of this emu.

  7. Gogo's version of FBA-XXX has huge sound issues when run in 480p, 720P, or 1080i. He only got rid of the crackling static every 30 seconds for 480I, so if you have an HDTV, PRO's sound code should be left the way it is.


    I haven't noticed any sound issues with the three games mentioned and I played for like 15 minutes each. And +T+ the only sound issues I have are when I use Simple 4X or HQ2X or something. Great work pal.

  8. Anyone else having slight audio stuttering on CPS2 games? I've turned off all my software filters and I've noticed that all of my CPS2 games' sound routinely stutters every minute/minute and a half. Now this was not much of an issue with 1.17 (I checked before posting again)


    The audio is great but it has some hiccups on 44100hz, PCM on, FM on. I used 48000hz on 1.17.

  9. The new FBA-XXX Pro package is now available in the usual places (xbins, IRC, etc.) and is complete with XBE so no more patches are required. (though I will also continue to update the patch linked to in the old thread).


    Please use this thread for any comments, questions, or bug reports. The information below is taken from the documentation so please read it if you haven't done so already as it addresses many of the most commonly asked questions.


    Enjoy. :)


    + T +



    What's New? (v1.26)



    - Fixed graphics glitches in kof2003/kof2003d.


    NOTE: If anyone finds that any encrypted NG sets are failing to load in any of the higher-res HD modes could they please let me know in this thread.










    How is this different from FBA-XXX?


    The main purpose of FBA-XXX Pro is to support the latest and most accurate ROMsets available to the emulation scene. A great many changes and additions have been made to the rather outdated sets supported by the original build, including new parents, new clones, new bootlegs, support for both encrypted and decrypted Neo-Geo sets, as well as the latest CPS and other set updates from MAME. Alot of new code has been added to improve the accuracy of the emulation, there are some minor tweaks and bugfixes to the emulator itself, and a new default skin (a modified version of the excellent Fighter skin by Duracelleur) is included.


    Both Romcenter and ClrMAMEPro DATs can also be found in the package so please make use of them to ensure the ROMsets you have are the ones FBA-XXX Pro requires. And don't forget you'll also need the Neo-Geo bios set (neogeo.zip) in your ROMs folder.



    Why 'Pro'?


    FBA-XXX Pro is so called because it is primarily intended for those who are a little more serious about ROM collecting and/or emulation than perhaps the casual user. The newer ROM dumps required by many of Pro's supported sets can be far more difficult to acquire than the older files found in FBA-XXX. For this reason I would say if you can't find the necessary sets and just want to play the games you would be much better off sticking with the original non-Pro build.



    A ROMset is giving me errors but it works fine on another emulator, what's up?


    FBA-XXX Pro requires the most up-to-date ROM dumps. Please use the DATs to find out which of the files in your set need updating.



    Can I not just use my old sets with FBA-XXX Pro?


    Like FBA-XXX, Pro has the option to disable the CRC check on ROMs before loading. This means that providing the files in your set are named correctly you should be able to play from any combination of decrypted ROMs. However this completely defeats the point of using FBA-XXX Pro and this option has only really been left in for testing purposes.



    What are all the new sets you say are supported?


    You can check the DATs or the included gamelist.txt for a list of all supported ROMsets.



    Why can't I reset the game with L+R+White like in FBA-XXX?


    Because some users found this combination too easy to press by accident. L+R+Start is the new ROM reset combination.



    Why are the game names so long on the ROM list screen?


    If you don't like it you can click the left thumbstick to switch between long and short names. FBA-XXX had this option too but Pro's long names are more complete.



    Why isn't "XXXX Super Magic Ultra Plus Hack" supported?


    FBA-XXX Pro only supports hacks that come from genuine bootleg boards or cartridges. ROM-hacks are deliberately not supported.



    I can't find this ROM anywhere. Can you tell me where to get it?


    No. So please don't ask.




    Coded by


    + T +



    GogoAckman & Team XXX





    Many Thanks to




    All the coders on the NeoSource boards

    Everyone here at the www.1emulation.com forums

    Jan Klaasen and the FBA team



    Sorry about the previous post. My comp is screwing up atm.


    Yeah Glitch I just figured out what my problem is. I needed to mess with cpu speed and now all seems good with nightwarriors. It took me a while to figure that out though.


    Looks like I got nightwarriors sorted out. CPU speed was the root of my problem. Sorry for the previous post btw; my comp is acting funny.

  10. A good example of the sprite glitching on Night Warriors US/ Vampire Hunter J


    Select Pyron as player 2 in single player. Interrupt and challenge him with Demitri. Now look at the middle of the coffin area near the dancing women and look for distortions. v1.17 doesn't do this.


    Also I have my settings at flicker filter 3, soften off, linear and simple 2x. This happens on 480i or 480p.

  11. +T+ I was wondering if you could check out an issues I'm having with another CPS2 game. There is some graphic glitching going on in Night Warriors-US 'nwarr' and Vampire Hunter-Japan 'vhuntjr2'. I am seeing flashing squares and other blocky apparitions on Demitri's stage background as well as the mummy Anakaris stage has some floor glitching. This issue should be present in the clone sets as well on the new build but I didn't encounter this on v1.17. Otherwise, so far so good! :roll1:

  12. I have a problem with several CPS2 games freezing at the loading screen when I run HDTV mode. Specifically VampireSavior, VampireSavior 2, SFAlpha3, Marvel vs Capcom, and the rest of the games on my list that are below Vampire Savior - vsavj.


    I am running in 480p mode with simple 4x (hdtv). I have the default skins. I noticed that the games in question WILL run when I change the simple 4x software filter to one of ther others first. Hardware filters don't make a difference, so it must be something with the simple 4x filter IMO. For now I just load the games with simple 2x, then after the game is loaded, change to simple 4x. Hope this makes sense and is helpful in correcting this.


    BTW hello +T+ and all regulars here. Big ups to you for all your hard work. This emu is the reason I learned to mod since the PRO version runs a lot better for me. I'd gladly make a donation if you were accepting them +T+ thanks

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