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Posts posted by someboddy

  1. this time I have two simple programs:

    #include <stdio.h>


    void main(){

    float a,b,c;

    printf("nnGive me two numbers ");



    printf("n %f+%f=%fnn",a,b,c);



    this is a simple adding program, but it have diferent from the program in the second lesson: it uses real numbers, that mean that we can do 4.79+5.3, for example.

    using real numbers it's vwry similar to using integers but when you defining the variable, write "float " instend of "int ", and when using it in a "printf""scanf", write "%f" instend of "%d".


    and one more thing: you cant put a real number in a integer.

  2. Type this program:



    void main(){

    int a[5],b[5],c[5],i;

    for (i=0;i<5;i++){

     printf("ngive me two numbers('a,b') ");




    for (i=0;i<5;i++){

     printf("n %d+%d=%d",a,b,c);





    there are parts here that I have allrady explaind, so I only explain the new thing: the array.


    array is a set of variables that have serial numbers. when you want to use one of the variables in the array, you use it like this: <array name>[<variable serial number>]. for example: bla[5],x[7],set[9].


    array is defined like a normal variable, only that a array have a "["&"]" around the number of variables. for example:

    int thing[3];

    defines a array with a place for 3 integer variables.


    the serial number of the first variable in the array is 0. for example:if we have a array: staff[6], then the variables are: 'staff[0]','staff[1]','staff[2]','staff[3]','staff[4]' and 'staff[5]'.


    instend of puting a number inside the "["&"]", you can put an integer in it, like something. this makes arrays extreamly useful in for loops.

  3. type this program:

    #include <stdio.h>


    void main(){

    int x,sum;

    printf("ngive me numbersn");



    while (x!=0){




    printf("Your numbrs total is %d.n",sum);



    the new command is while loop.


    this is how the wile loop works:


    while (<term>){




    when the program is getting to a while loop, it checks <term>, if <term> is true, the program do <code>, else, it continus the code after the loop.

    when the program end's <code>, it's check <term> again, if <term> is true, the program do <code>, else, it continus the code after the loop.


    while loop are good when you dont know how many times the loop shold be, and you dont have this information on a variable.

  4. Yeah I remember that, and the shoes with the groove cut into the sole. There is a sport in France, I can't remember the name, "Le P(something) where you jump off buildings, run up walls, do backflips along roof ledges and stuff. You have no safety equipment either. It's basically a mixture of martial arts and insanity, I have seen a couple videos. Now that IS extreme.


    Oh and if you have a fast connection, or you have dialup but don't mind waiting a couple of hours for something, then check this guy out.




    Cool does not even begin to describe him....


    this guy is spiderman!!!

  5. type this program:


    #include <stdio.h>


    void main(){

    int num;

    printf("ngive me a number ");


    if (num>0){

     printf("your number is positiven");


    if (num<0){

     printf("your number is negativen");


    if (num==0){  

     printf("your number is zeron");




    and now I will explain:


    from now on I will explain only the new commands.


    if (num>0){

    this is a "if" command. when the programs reach to a if command, it only does the commands between the "{" and "}", if the term between the baraks is true. that mean, that only if "num>0" when the program reach to the if command, it will do the commands between the "{}" ("printf("your number is positiven");



    A if command may have anuther part: the "else" part.

    if (<term>){







    if <term> is true, do <code1>, else do <code2>.

  6. To hell with that! hahaha... too much for my brain! How about this:

    10 print 10*10





    There you have the program. command to run it. and the output...... granted, it won't be the next Quake Engine but hey.... hahaha


    10 print"End of TapeWurm's Stupid Message"


    End of TapeWurm's Stupid Message

    End of TapeWurm's Stupid Message

    End of TapeWurm's Stupid Message

    End of TapeWurm's Stupid Message

    End of TapeWurm's Stupid Message

    End of TapeWurm's Stupid Message

    End of TapeWurm's Stupid Message

    End of TapeWurm's Stupid Message


    What softwere did you use?


    visual tapeworm?

  7. type this program:

    #include <stdio.h>


    void main(){

    int i,x,sum;


    printf("nngive me 10 numbersn");

    for (i=0;i<10;i++){




    printf("nI puted all your numbers togeder, and got %d",sum);



    and now I will explain:


    #include <stdio.h>

    this part is loading the file "stdio.h", that olds the basic functions of C.


    void main(){

    this part opens the program main code, from that code the program starts.



    int i,x,sum;

    this command is making 3 variables from an integer type: i,x & sum.



    this command sets the veriable sum to zero. it mean reseting it.


    printf("nngive me 10 numbersn");

    this part order the program to show on the screen the text: "give me 10 numbers". the "n"s in the text tells the program to move one row down.


    for (i=0;i<10;i++){

    this part thells the program to start a 'for' loop. inside the brackets, there are 3 parts, secluded by ";" sign (this is the same sign that secludind commands.



    [*]the first one is a command that the program is doing once, before the loop begins, that usely sets an counting veriable. this time its sets the veriable "i" to zero.


    [*]the second part is a term, that when the program dont do it to in, the loop is ending, and the program continus. this time the loop is ending when i is not smaller than 10.


    [*]the third part is a command, that the program does every time the code inside the loop is ending, before the loop starts again. this time, the command is adding 1 to the veriable "i". note that the commad "i++", is tha same as the command "i=i+1".



    this command tells the program to ask the user to give her a integer, and puts it at the veriable "x".



    this command adding "x" to "sum".



    this sign cloasing the loop. the program will not repeat the code that came after that sign.


    printf("nI puted all your numbers togeder, and got %d",sum);

    this command tels the user how all the integers he inserted worth togater.



    this sign close the main code, and the program ends.

  8. This is a program that adding two numbers:

    #include <stdio.h>


    void main(){

    int a,b,c;

    printf("ngive me 2 numbers ");






    now is the explain to the program:


    #include <stdio.h>

    this part is loading the file "stdio.h", that olds the basic functions of C.


    void main(){

    this part opens the program main code, from that code the program starts.



    int a,b,c;

    this command is making 3 variables from an integer type: a, b & c.



    printf("ngive me 2 numbers ");

    this part order the program to show on the screen the text: "give me 2 numbers ". the "n" in the beginning of the text tells the program to nove one row down.



    this command is a litle complicated.

    the function 'scanf', is a function that can get data from the user.

    inside the brackets, there are 3 parameters:


    [*]"%d,%d": this string tells the program that she want the user to give her a integer (%d), than a ',' sign(,), than a another integer. for example: "4,7" and then press enter.

    you can put anything you want instend of the ','. if you put there space, the program just wait that the user prees enter.


    [*]&a: this is the integer that the program will put in it the first number (for the first "%d").


    [*]%b: this is the integer that the program will put in it the second number (for the second "%d").




    this command put a value in to the variable "c". the value is a+b.



    this command is putting a text on the screan. the "%d" signs tells the program that there are going to be integers after the string. this time you don't need to put '&' before the variable, because this function doesn't cange the variables, it just using thair values.



    this part close the main code.

  9. type this program:


    #include <stdio.h>


    void main(){

    printf("Hello world, this is my firs C program");



    and press Ctrl+F9.

    the program started, but it was to fast. to see the rezolts, press Alt+F5.


    now is the explain to the program:


    #include <stdio.h>

    this part is loading the file "stdio.h", that olds the basic functions of C.


    void main(){

    this part opens the program main code, from that code the program starts.


    printf("Hello world, this is my firs C program");

    this part order the program to show on the screen the text: "Hello world, this is my firs C program".

    the ";" say the program that the "printf" command is finished.



    this part say the program that the main code is ended.

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