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It's like been really hungry - and ordering chinese.

Entries in this blog

How I puown3d up a woman.

I was outside digging in my front garden for buried treasure with my shirt off when a Hot blond chick walked past and did not even look at me i immediately knew from all my hours of Pick artist schooling she secretly wanted me to have my way with her so I snuck up behind her and popped her one in the back of the head with my fist, she just yelled "ow" like a pussy and looked at me so I drove the shovel him for the win, with a satisfying "Wham" sound she was out cold.   I dragged her by her feet



A list of things that suck and a list of things that are pretty neat.

Behold! Things that suck!   1. People who use the word "seshening!" on facebook - Primarly used to describe "Been intoxicated with alchol - cannabis - cocaine - and anything else that is availabile at the time. If I could re-coin this phrase it would read thusly: "I'm a fag." Not only does the use of this word come losely from the garbitual mouths of less than intelligent people - it also implies that A) You have no life. and You turn to "sheshening" when you are bored or have not reached a le



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