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About this blog

This is me, nosound.97, hosting his blog here!

Entries in this blog

Gamecube games in 16:9? Possible!

Yep, that's possible, just watch this video.   CaI0mloymyg   All this is again done by Dolphin emulator, which made Wii games playable in 720p! Games have various graphical glitches, but mostly it happens for game rendering special effects for 4:3 only. But at least it's possible to play games in widescreen mode!   You could post some of your comments here to ask a question, I'll be sure to answer them ^^   Michael Carew ~nosound.97   PS: for HD watch video on YouTube PS2: http://dcemu.co.



My first job ^^

Since this is the place for my own blog, I think I would post it here, since recently I've got at Subway. I liked Subway as a visitor, now it's quite different to be a shop assistant Though I really like it   I'm working here till October 3rd, since study at university begins and I could probably post how it feels in a quite different world: US is completely different from England!   ~Michael Carew nosound.97



About me

Hello, my name is Michael Carew, also known as nosound.97 on most of the forums and projects, nosound97 on Dolphin and some other websites and Little Mike on NGemu and Deviate (http://www.dv-8.me/). I'm 18 years old (at the moment I'm posting this entry), I'm from United Kingdom, Manchester City, studying moved me to United States of America. Currently I live in Minneapolis city, Minnesota. And, of course, I'm male   I was involved into emulation scene very long time ago, maybe sometime in 2005



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