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Posts posted by OverlordMondo

  1. It's always normal to stare at women. Everyone stares at women. Even women stare at women. I imagine pretty much everyone stares at men, too. Our existence is based purely on having sex to reproduce, so pretty much everything related to that is genetic. If you're attracted to something odd, like feet or children too young to reproduce, then there's something wrong with you. Not something so horrible that you need to be punished for it or some crap, but somewhere your genetics were altered.

  2. I use torrents for legal things all the time. Normally for music. A lot of people use it to cut down on bandwidth costs or some such. I don't know that I'd see any major companies using it to distribute things like music. I think it works better when what you're distributing is free, and that once you start paying for it, no one is saving much money on torrents as opposed to ftp downloads or whatever. Also, a lot of people that don't use computers as much won't want to download an extra program for these things, though they'd probably be convinced to do it eventually.

  3. I know a guy who knows how to work vending machines. He can go in there, set the price of crap to nothing, get a bunch of free crap, and then we just have crap throwing parties right inside of a grocery store or whatever. He actually set another of my friends remote car opener thing to also work on his car, in like ten seconds just by holding a button in and sticking it in the ignition or something, it was awesome.

  4. Back where I used to live when I was younger, there was an arcade called Aladdin's Castle or something. It was always pretty busy, I had a lot of fun there. Of course, at that age I could have fun pretty much anywhere. Closed down now, the entire mall is a dump. Stores open and close months later. Of course, the town likes to randomly burst into flame due to underground pockets of gas, so who can blame them, eh?]


    Haven't seen many arcades recently. Last one I went to was up in Duluth. There were almost no people there, but they did have a few good games. If I read the sign on the door right, they've closed down by now, too, though. *sigh*

  5. I spend a lot of time listening to music. Metal is top of the list for me. I like to go lay down on a public bench or something and just blast it.


    I never watch TV, but sometimes I'll download stuff and watch it. I like horror movies, and mecha anime. I'm working on watching House and Lost, too.


    Mostly though, just games. Board games and card games are common for me, every once in a while some assorted sport me and some friends decided would be a good idea.


    To top it off, a good deal of just hanging out.

  6. The dude was trying to change the subject of whatever it was he was attending. I'm sure what he had to say was important, but I don't believe this was necessarily the time to say it. What the police did was just wrong, though. I vividly recall the kid saying that if he was let go he would walk away. Both the audience and the police were acting based on political opinions, and in this instance that isn't the right thing to base your actions on.

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