I think people who believe in using a emulator is same as stealing is probably a victim of capitalism. Yes, you are right about eating the apple and not paying for it is wrong, however, it can't be denied that what America, big business like mattel,Bandi,konami,define what is wrong. US Government set out laws to protect us, the common ciztens, are indeed not protecting our interest but help boost corporation business. A good example would be US Government have us,Americans, believe that trying to force our way of life in other country is correct. If you think about it, it really wasn't to liberate "that country" but to have big corprations make money. Rather, then really believing what you think is right, the corporation have made up your mind. Using your definition provide by corpartions ,capitalism, as term to generalize what you believe is right isn't right at all. Someone people actually believe taking a apple and not paying for it is the right thing to do( look at the middle east). Just because one country think its wrong, doesn't mean every other country think it is wrong. Anyways, I probably going to get flame for my notion. P.S. I think you have a point about emulator should be use as a way to play games that are never going to be made again. However, this notion is naive. Come on, are you telling me that if you see a free apple, you aren't going to take a bite. It is human nature to be greedy. Look at World War 1, the whole war wasn't about defending human rights but for the corprations to make back their money.