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Posts posted by Ahmad89

  1. If you uninstall the game, would it remove the Rootkit? IF you click on the link in the article it shows you how to remove it but its not worth keeping the demo installed, Anyways im done with the demo. So agian would the rootkit be uninstalled if the demo is??

  2. I just wanted to share this picture I took of the amount of notes we have so far for just one course for our first test. We have one more week of lectures after this one so the size is going to increase. And that's just for one course. The test will cover 4 courses and then the lab exam will cover a whole bunch of other crap.




    If any of you are thinking of going into medicine, please think very deeply about it.



    I... I want Wendy's too :<

    Thats a good one.


    I have a friend who is in his fifth year of pharmacy school and his classes are so condensed that the pile of notes in that picture is only for one week(excluding tommorow) and they have an exam monday. The whole class is only six weeks but the material covers enough for a year. I dont know if you heard of this class Grygh but its called Cardiology :P .


    EDIT: I am not comparing medicine to pharmacy, just saying you are not alone and that i will be joining you guys soon.

  3. In other news, the Bioshock PC demo has been leaked out onto the Internet.


    Hehe leaked. I'm getting it now at 700KB/s. That might not be much to many of you, but this is easily record-breaking stuff for my connection :blink:. 1.9GB in less than an hour ftw.

    What site are you getting it from. All the sites I tried to get it from stop at 2%.

  4. Can I go on a limb and say the combat in this game, from what I've seen in the demo, is boring? Anyone agree?


    But before you go and argue this point with me by talking up some of Bioshock's other strengths, make sure to tell me why those things necessarily mean the action needs to be bland. Whenever throwing fire from my hands isn't fun I know something is wrong.

    I guess its a taste kind of thing. Some people like RPGs and some dont. Some like different kinds of RPGs and some hate those kinds. I dont like call of Duty FPS but i like UT FPS.

  5. anyway, here's an updated list of the review scores from various source so far:


    GameInformer US - [10/10]

    EGM - [10/10]

    GamePro - [10/10]

    1UP - [10/10]

    UK EuroGamer - [10/10]

    OXM - [10/10]

    X360 Gamer - [10/10]

    X360 - [10/10]

    OXMA - [10/10]

    PC Powerplay - [10/10]

    Game Arena - [10/10]

    Meristation - [10/10]

    Gamer.tv - [10/10]

    GamesRadar - [10/10]

    GameWorld - [10/10]

    Console - [10/10]

    GameTap - [10/10]

    Console Game World - [10/10]

    Alemania 360 Live - [9.8/10]

    Hyper - [9.7/10]

    IGN - [9.7/10]

    PC Zone - [9.6/10]

    PC Gamer - [9.5/10]

    UnderGround Online - [9.5/10]

    TXB - [9.5/10]

    Xbox World - [9.4/10]

    Average of: 9.8730769

  6. Well at least a few of those reviews were from magazines, who get the game before us consumers for the purposes of reviewing it. They spend every waking hour of their existence playing games so they can tell us what's good and what's bad.


    Yeh but I mean how many of them play it enough to give a decent review. I imagine a lot of them play through the first 20 minutes, decide Bioshock is awesome, and write their 10/10 review because they figure 'hey, everyone is doing it'. They'll probably go and play more afterward but the review is written and the score is out, whether the game gets better or worse after the first 20 mins.


    Looks like someone has a shoe up in thier ass. Ive seen gameplay videos and they impress me. Ive seen tutorials on how you have to do it and what happens throughout the story line and it impressed me. Ive tried it out and it also has impressed me. The only thing i did not do is play the game from start to finish. Take it easy. It is my opinion so you can just ignore it or take it in. And about the water graphics, i was just agreeing with Magnis on his review of the game.


    PS: If i were you I would get that shoe out of my ass befor it does some serious damage.


    Why are you taking this personally? I only asked how you can say no doubt this game deserves a 10 when all you had to say was the water effects 'kick ass'. Stop being so touchy.


    I can see how you can get so riled up. If I followed every little detail of a game all throughout its development I wouldn't want to even think that it might disappoint either. :) And lol about getting that shoe out of my ass... its funny someone from Palestine is telling me not to be tightly wound.


    I didnt take it personally, just explaining what i ment by my review. It just sounded like your were pissed off by my statement and i had to explain it. And about the shoe...not all palestinians are alike :o (surprising, i know).


    I dont know if you guys know this but in the system req. page they show that it reqiures a 8600 or better (in the recommeded part). Does that mean it will not be able to support 8500 at all?

  7. Before anyone says anything, the fact that it is Vista is not the problem.


    Now to solve your problem check and see if the game is fully playable on another persons computer. The emulator is not complete so it may not be able to emulate correctly. Check a compatabilty list on this site or another site. If someone esle did not have that problem however, than it is a problem that someone else can solve, like agozer, wait for him to say something (or anyone else smart enough).

  8. Alright, well the game deserves a 10 no dought about it. Those water visuals sure kick ass.


    How do you figure? I'm waiting to play Bioshock just like the next guy but I can't stand it when there is this wave of 10/10 reviews. How do you even know without playing it? Because of the water effects?? Wtf?


    As for the pro reviews, how can so many have had the game for long enough to make a fair assessment about it? I doubt any have. I'd bet everyone just jumps on the 'full marks' bandwagon because it seems to be the cool thing to do regarding a much-anticipated game like this. And because it will get them traffic by giving a puff piece to an already popular game.


    Sickens me. Although I'd love for this game to be great, I'd enjoy the backlash in a few weeks time if it turned out to not be the bee's knees after all. Just to stick it to all the hyped up morons out there.

    Looks like someone has a shoe up in thier ass. Ive seen gameplay videos and they impress me. Ive seen tutorials on how you have to do it and what happens throughout the story line and it impressed me. Ive tried it out and it also has impressed me. The only thing i did not do is play the game from start to finish. Take it easy. It is my opinion so you can just ignore it or take it in. And about the water graphics, i was just agreeing with Magnis on his review of the game.


    PS: If i were you I would get that shoe out of my ass befor it does some serious damage.

  9. OMG, this is the greatest mistake Toys R' Us ever made when they release bioshock a week prior to the release day. I'm playing it tonight fo sho. I'll update when I have a blast. GAME OF THE MUFFUKKING YEAR! hands down.

    360 or PC, be more specific :o

  10. No, there is no way to bypass the limit. Unless you create a premium account, that is.





    but this introduces 2 new problems:


    -other people trying to do the same thing

    -much slower speeds (ive done this with dl, never tried for up)

    What the hell is TOR. If you mean torrents, that would not solve my problem as the file i am looking for is only on megaupload and Rapidshare.

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