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Posts posted by Mario54

  1. Marvel vs Capcom 2...


    lol... might as well be dreaming :D

    Yup! :D You probabally are dreaming. What is that CPS3, CPS4? :D:D;)

    I believe its Naomi, but don't quote me on that. ;)


    The rom I've been waiting for is SVC, I saw the pics and a few vids and that just made the wait worse. Now that the bootleg rom has been released I can say that it was well woth the wait. Even if Geese has no sound. :)

  2. Try this setting. It works for most people in XP and really depends on your video card.



    ;Enter the width and height of the resolution you want to set here.

    ;The optimal resolution is 320x240, but if your video card has problems

    ;You may want to try 640x480.

    Width = 320

    Height = 240


    ;This is the color depth at which to run MUGEN. You should set it to

    ;16 bit color unless your video card has problems with it.

    ;16-fastest, 24,32-slower, 8-slowest/worst

    Depth = 16


    ;Set this parameter to 0 to disable screen stretching, and set it to 1 if

    ;you want to scale it up to fit the current resolution.

    Stretch = 0


    ;Set this parameter to use a resolution-doubling filter. You will

    ;need a fast machine to use these filters. You will need to increase

    ;the screen resolution to at least 640x480 for these modes.

    ;0 - off

    ;1 - diagonal edge detection

    ;2 - bilinear filtering

    ;3 - horizontal scanlines

    DoubleRes = 0


    ;Choose from "1" for VESA1, "Linear" or "Banked" for VESA2, and "3" for


    ;Note: VESA1 is very slow on certain video cards, especially the newer

    ;ones. "Linear" or "3" is usually the fastest for new cards.

    ;Default is "Linear".

    Vesamode = Banked


    ;Set to 1 to enable vertical retrace synchronization.

    VRetrace = 1

  3. aaarrrggghh!! damn it, I have it working now but I do what it says on how to add characters and the only one I see on the list is that f*ck kung fu man character, I am mad realy pissed off, I spent the whole day yesterday downloading every character I wanted and the only thing I can see is "kung fu man" WTF? heeelllpp!! :idea:  :idea:  :oops:


    Are you editing select.def?

    Sometimes there is info on the top of the select file or just rename the

    folder and the characters def file to the same name and under Kung Fu Man and it should work. holla if ya need help.

  4. I guess it depends on your video card. I used to have a 16 MB Vanta(Didn't run Mugen) and now I have a Geforce 2 MX 400 which runs it flawlessly with the video set to banked. As for the sound I fixed it with some porgram I can't remember. Now it runs perfectly.

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