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Posts posted by grr

  1. 1) Thx for the links.




    2) I read that hdf used to be part of TOSEC under the old x68000 guy,

    but was removed from the set by the new people for unknown reasons.

    So there has been a set and somebody might have it still.




    3) Those are all great games, but nearly all have an arcade counterpart.

    And Castlevania was ported to PSX with a upgraded stuff and offering new and original play modes


    I'm interested more in games that are x68000 exclusive, like "zugya",


    or versions that are better then other versions,

    like "Thunderforce II" on x68000 owns Mdrive version,

    with better sound and grafx and an xtra level.


    Have any more tips like this ?




    PS : x68000 is an impressive machine with a nice game library. Wonder why I never looked into it before.

  2. 1) Can I have the links plz


    2 ) Is there a set of hdf ?

    I have the Tosec set lined up, but it's all seperate discs


    3) Is there a guide on how to build these hdf from disc images ?


    4) x68000 is an unknown machine to me, so could you recommend some games,

    pref. games that are x68000 exclusive,

    or when the x68000 version outclasses other systems

  3. Hi


    I really don't understand ????

    I watch every days on NG and there is not the full pack !

    I just can find :


    [CoinOPS_Reignite_R2_SHOWCASE_XBOX-iND]-[002/123]- "iND-criR2s.nfo" yEnc 10.9 GB

    [CoinOPS_ShowROOM_X_LITE_XBOX-iND]-[002/105]- "iND-crixsl.nfo" yEnc 4.6 GB



    Were can we find him ?

    If it is on NG ... what is the archive name ?






    Don't know what NG is, but it's up on usenet and torrent.

    If you check binsearch for CoinOPS_ShowROOM_X_XBOX-iND you'll find it

  4. usenet posting finished. Thanks to z.


    grab it if you like it






    posted in abgx



    Torrent also up on UG, XBS, BCG, BS


    Uploading to Demonoid and MediaFire / MegaUpload are low on the priority list atm.

    Feel free to do it for me, if you have the files.




    Edit :


    Lots of videos made, lots of videos found, but still missing a lot too.

    So if you are willing and able to make good quality videos of NES, SNES, N64, GBA, SMS, GG, Mdrive, SegaCD, PCE, PCE-CD

    then plz PM me for a "needed vids" list

    Minimum quality should be 640x480 @ 30 fps, but somewhat higher is even better.

  5. cores will be part of the vote...not sure sound support is best bang for buck time wise for me



    Are you referring to suggestion 4 or 3 or both ?


    3) Upgraded CD support for PSX / SegaCD / PCE-CD so all cores play all needed formats.

    I hate using old low quality MP3 rips, while I have TOSEC and REDUMP sets being 100 % accurate copies.


    4) Adding of FLAC (and/or APE) audio support to CD support, so you can save 40% in size and still have 100% quality


    Suggestion 3 is pretty important, since rip sets aren't easily found, and usually riddled with incorrect rips.

    The only one I can find is the Xtras set....

    TOSEC and REDUMP are 100% verified and correct copies.


    There's a great TOSEC set for SegaCD, all it needs to play is external WAV support.

    Xport already plays the WAV audio, if it's included on the disc, and it plays external MP3,

    so making it play external WAV doesn't sound like that big a deal,

    but then again, I can't code at all,

    so I'm just guessing here.

  6. 1) The mentioned cores :


    PSX core

    C64 core



    2) I would love to see profiles (and integration with XBMC profiles), so 1 setup can fit multiple users. (Or hold multiple setups for a single user)


    3) Upgraded CD support for PSX / SegaCD / PCE-CD so all cores play all needed formats.

    I hate using old low quality MP3 rips, while I have TOSEC and REDUMP sets being 100 % accurate copies.


    4) Adding of FLAC (and/or APE) audio support to CD support, so you can save 40% in size and still have 100% quality

  7. can someone with torrent and usenet experience, willing to burn some bandwidth plz PM me.

    Upload server keeps rejecting my upload, and after 2 days of helpdesk, it's still not fixed.

    I need someone to grab it from UG and post it for me.

    Everybody I know with good bandwidth and usenet is on holiday.

  8. Invites go by email, so PM me the email adress you want to use.


    Having proof of good membership at "a" private tracker is a pre

    and will certainly help you to the top of the list.

    I don't care which tracker, as long as the ratio is good.

  9. can anyone tell me a program to record N64 games or even better do them....then ill add in the core...but not untill ive got videos


    at least for the ones i want for ShowROOM























    Is there anyone with upload privi on TL and IPT ?

    Or high enough userstatus to make a request for it ?

    It is an official scene rlz now, which pred today, so it fits all their rules,

    but since I hardly use these sites, I do not have the required user status.

  10. a feature I've been thinking of lately is profiles.

    It would be cool if you could setup profiles in CoinOPS that would alter pref like Favorites or could hide games for certain profiles, so that 1 setup can fit a whole family of users.

    Even better would be if it also integrates with XBMC profiles so that starting CoinOPS from a certain XBMC profile will make CoinOPS start with the associated profile.

  11. can anyone get me a list of N64 games please listed like this





    if its possible I have something going now that looks all good for a bit of xtra support....also can anyone do videos off PC for this stuff at 640x480 or tell me the software to do it....I havent research but if needed I will do so



    half done on the list. I'll finish it later and put it on FTP with the roms and screens

  12. NEW STUFF I'd like


    1) CD support for PCE .There's some great shooters in there.


    2) CD support for MDRIVE. Even if it's just for SonicCD and Earthworm Jim SE.


    3) Add PSX core.


    4) Add c64 core, even if it is just for the Giana sisters and uridium....


    5) Add X68000 core, even if it is for that 1 shooter Fumanchu showed.


    6) Add a 3rd selection layer "recommended", so that one can fully customize/personalize the "favorites" without destroying the "These are what most people consider good games" list, that the favorites list is currently.

    With 3 layers you can use large romsets, without being flooded with the full list all the time.


    7) A full list / dat file of all arcade roms supported, for those that want to add all arcade games supported. (Like me on the 2nd Xbox that I'm setting up now, which will be an arcade overdose setup). Is it now MAMEox final + coinops fixes + fba set ?

  13. Got this reported on UG forums :


    I find a bug trying to run Gals Panic S and Groove on fight if the emu can't find the bios just report in the usual screen but if the bios is found the emu freeze, I find this issue with several bios like the crystal of kings and the crystal bios
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