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Posts posted by Dooz

  1. Um, ok. *points to virtual boy*


    Yeah, that was great!

    Um, ok. *points to every other Nintendo device that were resounding sucesses, some of which other companies borrowed for their own controllers*


    Yeah, those were great!

    Those were successes becuse they were good ideas.


    The Rev controller: bad idea.


    It's still gonna do at least somewhat good, though, since a lot of internet nerds disagree with me, it seems.

  2. I can't take a picture, but my gaming room is my basement, which is also my room. I have an NES, SNES, Virtual Boy, N64, GameCube, PSX, PS2, GB, GBC, 2 GBA's, and all of my games strewn on the floor with a ton of tangled cords all connected to this early 90's television with incorrect colors.


    One day I'm gonna organize all of that. It may take a few hours, but by George, I'll do it.

  3. My summer gets 80-90 degree weather. Perfect summers. I love Ohio summers.


    But the winters... Ugh. We can't afford to use the heat that often, so I'm always flocking freezing, even when indoors. It's only Fall and my hands are icey. And now that my mom's unemployed, we'll have to use the heat even less, or I'll have to start paying for the house, and that's not something I want to do. I need the money for car insurance and eventually to move out.


    Wow, tangent.


    But yeah. Cold sucks. The feeling if heat is so wonderful. The feeling of cold is terrible. :afro:

  4. I hate people who blindly follow one system developer and don't bother even looking at the other systems.


    They all have good games. ALL OF THEM.


    And despite Sony's retarded policies, they managed to get more good games on their system. Of course, they also have more crappy games, just don't buy those!


    Nintendo used to be my favorite developer back in the day. THen the N64 came out. Still it had gooa games; Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Mario, Zeldas. But there were so little good games. And then the GameCube came out. I don't care if a game is kiddie or not, if it sucks it sucks. And GameCube has very little good games. I own all of the good GameCube games, and my GC collection is not impressive. And now with their remote crap, I'd rather not waste my money on them anymore.


    And Microsoft... Well... Fable was good for a little...

  5. Ryuken, you're an idiot too. And thank you, I will sleep very soundly tonight. :D But what attitude? My reponse to your post was civil. I guess debate team wasn't a complete waste after all.


    And Ryuken, you're a goddamn moron. Shut the flock up you little shithead. You expect to come into this thread and say something wrong and then have the nerve to say something like that? Dumbass.


    Is that the attitude you don't like? Well tough crap. I'll be nice to your posts but I will NOT put up with stupidity like suvo and Ryuken. They have a proven track record of stupid posts, just check they're history.


    flock it, I've had it with this place. Good luck to GameCop and the rest of the staff.

    Wow. Way to overreact, bud.

  6. For christ's sake (Pun intended), why can't people just agree that religions should stay in the church, and fact should stay in the schools, and then let the people decide what's right? I mean, when I was taught evolution, I was taught it as a theory. That's what we should be doing. Say, "Hey, this is a theory we are teaching, and may not be true. In fact, you may disagree with it completely, and that's okay," and then everything would be peachy.


    People have to just freak out about the littlest of things.

  7. I think Nintendo's gone flocking insane. There's innovation for the sake of gaming, and then there's innovation for the sake of innovation. Yeah, it's innovative, but it looks and sounds like complete and total crap.


    And about the motion detection, I don't find the idea of waving your controller around like a god damned retard sounds fun in the slightest.


    I really can't see how this can be fun. I really don't. I mean, I didn't like the DS' touch screen, and I still don't, but even then some games can be fun using it. Having to use this controller really looks like it'd kill the fun for me.


    I was actually looking forward to the Revolution, since the 360 and the PS3 also look like crap. flock you, Nintendo.

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