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Everything posted by rasflash

  1. hi there, i can't get cd 2 work on nulldc. it thinks its an audio cd! Any ideas of what this could be? thank you. Rashflash.........
  2. hi there. how do i get the vmu to work? i tried formating it but it says no memory card. how can i sort this out?
  3. thank you so much for your help. other then that the game runs at a very good speed. Rash
  4. hi there, thats exactly what i ment. spot on! is there a way to make the fighters look more smoother? i've seen vids of nulldc running capcom vs snk 2 on you tube and it looks very smooth. is there any screen filters out there such as 2x sai, for nulldc or chankast? Thank you so much for your help. Rash...
  5. Hi there, can somebody help me? I've got capcom vs snk 2 for null dc. The background graphics are perfect but the fighters/characters look very pixelated and patchy! Does anyone know how to sort this problem out? There must be a way to config it? I've got the same problem with marvel vs capcom 2. thank you. Rashflash.
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