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Posts posted by 1InuYasha

  1. i see what your saying.i burned alot of dreamcast selfboot games for myself but just this file isn't a complete image,i have 2 make a complete selfboot image but once i get it done then i will have everything known for burning. I live in nassau bahamas so a dreamcast game would not have a chance of being found & the simple 2 or 4 games that are left in old stores, there 30-50 dollars.no kidding



  2. I downloaded a dreamcast game in the past called king of fighters 200&(something)and it was in pieces and i deleted it cuz i didn't know what 2 do with it,but i just downloaded resident evil code veronica by NEXUS and it has a nfo & 1-26 files and 1 txt. can this be made in a image?

    i have selfboot installed.


    i saw this question somewhere in this forum but i cant locate it.

  3. I got my answer from a dc dcemulation forum.


    If I understand you correctly...

    Your Dreamcast probably came with a 56K modem. If it says "Line" at the jack, it's a modem. If it says "LAN", it's probably a Broadband adapter. If you don't have a broadband adapter, you will need a dialup ISP.

    You can use Planetweb 3.0 and Broadband Passport to get online with a BbA as well as a 56K modem.


    Speed Devils is no longer online. You can get a list of the games that are currently online here: http://www.dreamcast.onlineconsoles.com


    A next ?


    i just see its says line.but i dont have dial-up,i use a always connected cable modem. can i still go online without needing a dial-up isp ?


    and your saying if i had lan ( broadband adaptor ) i could of just use my computer's cable modem ?

  4. I tried setting up my DreamCast to online play but couldn't get it to do so. I tried for a long time then i gave up but now i want 2 give it a next try.I live in Nassau Bahamas,I have a cable internet modem hooked up to my computer for my internet.

    I have a online game called Speed Devils,and a online web browser 3.0 cd an a broadband passport cd an a plug that came with my game,it is plug into the dreamcast side an when remove it shows a socket with the word ( EXTENSION ) writing above it.Is that the broadband adaptor there ?

    With all this information is it ok for me to get my dreamcast online ?

  5. I see alot of people downloaded cue files for games,its a simple small file but when read by software burners it shows it true form,like a torrent file,anyway is it easy just to download 1 then use a burner software that reads them,then burn it like any cdi,nrg or any other image formats ? and will it work like it as well ?

  6. I tried burning Dreamcast games with nero but it didn't work (came out good )but that was a while back but i havent tried in a long time.now i just use Discjuggler.Is there anyway i could switch nero format into Discjuggler ? or can i just use a image reading software like iso buster to look into the nero image and extract it then make it into a iso,or any other format to my liking.







    PS.I c Dead Peep owl

  7. About the Ps2 USB port! What all is it used for ?


    Where can I find A Ps2 with complete image guide,like whats this section for what goes here and so on ?


    For playing back-ups and imports-which Ps2 version is better ?The old Or The new?

    And what model number ?THANKS

  8. i was just checking out some swap disk for the ps2 called swap magic and it does alot of stuff,see i dont mine the swap method but i guess if i could find a brand new modded ps2 yet at a low cost then i will buy it.in miami fl ps2 cost $160.00 and to get it with package bundles it will cost about $230.00 so to get a mod chip will cost crazy when i could use the money 2 get a bundled package and use a swap disk for my back-ups and import. U understand

  9. which ps2 version is the best to buy ?


    Is the Ps2 swap disk method the same as for the psx,like the ps-x-change disc ?

    I don't really want the mode-chip method so is it still good to get a boot-disk and will it work the same way as having a mod-chip install ?

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