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[S4]The Phantom

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Posts posted by [S4]The Phantom

  1. Real Time strategy


    Fighting (more 2D than 3D)


    Real Time Role Playing



    In no particular order :lol:



    However for me the genre is a mere category. I hated fighting games until I played Samurai Shodown 2 after 7 years had passed since its original release.


    It's the game that matters....

  2. Sankuro...well..sheit it's Sankuro, and who likes him?


    I've met them :thumbsup:



    Back to SNKP scrooing up, I heard they actually got complaints from "relative authorities" (plz don't tell me its the arcade people-_-) about the violence in the game.


    I've heard ppl I know here(Korea) are going to refund their stuff...


    However, the practice mode is well-refined, I heard.


    Of course, that is a relative measure, seeing how there was close to no practice mode in many previous SNK games.

  3. Note to Edit :


    The fatality is not necessarily deleted from the game, but its actions will be replaced by a flash like Issen.


    Also the the cruelty level will be fixed to lvl 1, which means no blood, no slicing bodyparts and so on.



    ... Looks like it's gonna be a long way. There's a rumor that PS edition may be censored although not really sure.

  4. A few monthes ago it finished its TV series in Japan. I've downloaded them as fast as they were uploaded, and I must say, it is beautiful.


    I think a man should watch it at least once, especially those with ambition.



    As I watched I mostly focused on Harry's ability as a leader and his ambitions, although Bradon's action is great as well.


    That's enough spoilers for now :D

  5. That is just unbelievable.


    I share your grief, K'Dash...


    I did not have huge anticipation for SNKP, but wow.


    I hope they dump it soon.



    Seriously, Special is more like a "Fan-service", rather than a new version.


    I can understand the price, since its limited, but getting rid of the fatality is just BS. It's an essential part of the game, not just a flash gore-show like MK series.


    Don't get me wrong, I love the MK series as well, but they were more of a spectacle rather than a game-breaking move.


    In SSZ Special, the fatality is incredibly important that it exists in the game.



    About Yumeji, I knew she would not appear in SSZ:Special, along with Sankuro as well. Yumeji's dots were ripped off from Ukyo and Sankuro is from Genjuro.


    Their motions and body proportions seem a lot awkward at times because they took the same pixels and just changed the dots around.


    Since Yuki with 16 developers are never going to do dots for 2 characters that would require some hefty balancing, I did expect them to disappear, whether playable or none-playable.



    But it seems its goign to be a long time before anyone dumps it, so I'll be watching the tourney videos from Sinjuku land and Fantasy star arcades in Japan...

  6. RAGNAROK ONLINE  :rolleyes:

    I'd agree, except for the fact that the game no longer matches the "MMORPG" category.


    It's more like....




    "Avatar Chatting Game" of a sort :lol:




    P.S. I see the stuff on my avatar is not censored. I guess because the word

    "anus" is.... relatively formal, compared to some other replaceable words.

  7. I was referring to movie releases, not DVDs


    Actually, I heard that prior to the release the DVDs are sent to the people who rate the movies and other authorities of the industry.


    That's the story I hear from my friend in Hong Kong, where counterfieted DVDs come out before the movie is released anywhere in the world.


    I also hear that many Russian/Chinese syndicates are mixed in as well.



    But who cares? It's their job to counterfiet and counter-counterfiet.


    We enjoy what comes out, whoever the victor is nontheless :angry:

  8. I just saw a video at www.lastsky.net showing some clips of videos taken at Chinese arcades.


    I thought no foreign versions were going to be released, wtf?


    Or did they mean they will export but in no language other than Japanese?



    Or did Playmore/Yuki just annouce something that I am not aware of?



    The link is here: http://sihon.net/stream/2004_06_09/67_mov1.wmv


    ...the video from lastsky.net...



    It's just confusing now :P

  9. Kinda sounds like an abrupt questions but my favorites have failed me recently..


    I'm looking for the keygen for LII, but looks like some of my favorite sites did not have that.


    Other than file-sharing programs, do you guys have your favorite sites for d/l'ing pirated software/keygen/crack and stuff?

  10. Suija is not a broken char, and the flying character is a very good character if you know how to use him.


    Watch some tourney videos, and heck you will know what I mean.


    Also, Sankuro is very easy if you know how to beat him.


    Enja is definitely difficult to do the combo, but thats not all of his arsenal.


    Very good anti-air and poking makes him good even without the combo, super deadly with the combo.


    I use the flying guy almost all the time, and he is very fun to play, not to mention very strong.


    Mina has very weak HP, so thats her weakness.


    And Rasetsumaru, he is weak? Goodness, what are you smoking?

  11. good

    -Characters are now "the best of both worlds." Basara and Genjuro (my primary chars) simply rock now.

    -New use for the D button. I like this new subsystem. I just haven't gotten used to it yet.  Rolling, ducking, hopping behind the opponent... good addition. Downside to this is the A+B for heavy slashing. I find it difficult to get them both at the same time, causing characters to move in a way I didn't intend to (Ukyo doing two slashes instead of 3, Basara's shadow jumping ahead instead of walking forward).

    -Meditation. I like it. Issen was way to easy to pull off in samsho4, especially considering the huge damage it could do. Now it's a little more balanced, harder for you to reach the state of being able to perform issen. Added bonus is the slo-mo effect from the qcb+CD.

    -New art. I like the profile-shots of the characters from the select screens. Top-notch. I also like Rimururu's new look. She's so cute, I miss the fatalities. (must... kill...)

    -Subtle Effects. I've noticed nice little artistic touches in certain "slash-effects." The seem to have traditional-style paintings laid under them (Basara's qcf+CD, one of Yocrapora's moves, Genjuro's f,d,df,S, etc.) A very nice touch.

    -New voices. Good to see that Rimururu and Nakoruru have new voices for this game. And the new announcer... very nice. He sounds much better than the samsho4 announcer.



    -Some of the characters feel unbalanced. Although Rera is a cool new addition to the "cute little girls" group of the game, it seems like her movelist is too short. Same goes for Rasetsumaru. Some characters just feel like they could use a wider variety of moves. And some are overpowered... Yocrapora has this one move where he slashes two swords at the ground, causing a power wave of sorts that can deal 5 hits. Heaven help you if he pulls it off first thing in the round, for all five hits, and you fail to jump back/block it.

    -Pure Cheese. Sankuro needs a serious overhaul. His recovery times are almost nonexistant, and he blocks virtually everything. His "slide and grab" underling holds you for too long, and he can apparently hold you even when you are a good half-foot in front of his hands. Oh, and the damage you've done? It's gone. Sankuro used that time to enjoy a pizza and regain half his life bar. And now he's going to smack you. Got him in a corner? Have a hard-slash get blocked? BOOM! there goes a fourth of your life bar, as "Mr. Dosukoi!" jumps in on your head, and Sankuro quickly follows it up with a stomp.

    -No Story. It appears us lousy gaijin are undeserving of a translated story mode. Only those who speake Japanese are truly worthy of understanding why the heck everyone's fighting. (Seriously. Yuki/SNK/Playmore, whoever is responsible for this, it was a seriously boneheaded move. Yes, 2D fighters have been losing popularity in the western world due to the hype surrounding lousy 3D fighters and other crap games that get all the attention due to good marketing, but you could at least give us some Engrish to laugh at.

    -Nakoruru's new voice. Something about it just seems... I dunno, it just sounds awkward.



    -Colors. Have you selected Basara with the D button? Looks like he's endorsing Sprite. One of Ukyo's pallettes (I think D) makes him look like Rayden from the MK movie, only with a shirisaya. I really think the color choices could have been better. Heck, some could've been recycled from samsho4 and they would've been better.

    -Big Red. WTF? Gen-an was ugly enough and had an awesome weapon, but instead we get a simply hideous lumbering red demon with a sharp bone jutting out of his arm.


    Overall, I like the game. A lot. Anyone else want to share their thoughts on the game thus far? (note this is for those who have the ROM or have played in an arcade. Please don't ask for the ROM in this thread, there's already a thread for that.)


    Good insights, but I think you were a bit too quick to judge some characters.

    Rera and Rasetsumaru may have short movelists, but the dmg they can do with those "few" moves are incredible, not to mention they don't have a useless move.


    As with all fighting games, short movelist with most of them being useful is better than having a long list of bunch of useless moves.


    Sankuro is a boss and is destined to be cheesy, but his pattern is extremely easy. Just Jump AB and you will be doing more dmg than anything he throws at you, which lets you win the game.


    Yes, I agree with you on the AB part. I like the C as my heavy slash better;)


    Well, Basara's and Genjuro's effects have been there since SS3 actually... it was easier to see back then.


    ...I bed to differ on Nakoruru's voice, she might need a tyrenol due to her hay fever(its actually the japanese nasal pronunciation), and thus making me take a tyrenol due to headache :)


    Yoshitora's standing AB might look fierce, but its easy to jump/roll through and deal some massive counter damage. What's really unbalanced about yoshitora is his lagless super fast Nadeshiko cheese.


    Yes, I did feel that the boss is very generic when untransformed, and we felt disappointed without the story. Well, there was 15 people on the SS5 project. Good job for less than 20 people doing it.


    The best part is that Watsuki Nobuhiro, the author of the original manga "Rurouni Kenshin" did the illustrations. It is very stylish and beautiful to look at, especially characters like Yunfei, Rimururu and Yumeji.


    D colors are very "unique" to say the least. Actually a few female ss5 players I know like the D button Ukyo. I don't know, I guess it's a female thing. For Sprite Basara, I don't know what to say :(


    Big Red... he's a matter of opinion. I like him, his fighting style is very unique with hilarious voice acting. His story is very interesting too.(and I don't even know all that much Japanese) Besides, he is a very strong char although is weak to fireball fights with Mina being his worst enemy. Yes he is lumbering and has a sharp bone sticking out, but what else is he going to use other than his tongue if not for his bones? :) He uses all parts of his body as a weapon... tongue, hand, feet, back, spinal cord, stomach juice, knees, waist fat, head, buttocks, and his arm bone of course. Just because Gen-an and Gedo are both monsters, they should not be compared. That would be like trying to compare Spears with Aguillera. (One's a performer, one's a singer. End of story)


    One thing I miss are my combos other than B(cancle)fireball kind of stuff. I still want those dash slash combos... that made SS4 so much faster in actual gameplay. Also, I want Yoshitora's Nadeshiko removed as well.


    Also, due to the Kenki guage, people are using kick most of the time because kick does not use up their kenki guage... it has become a lot like ss2 in many ways, with grabs and kicking ruling. However, D buttons sort of try to neutralize that, but not entirely.


    Overall, very fun game with lots of new stuff introduced to the Samurai Shodown world, but as far as completeness goes, they could have done a better job, or at least had more people than 16 or so.

  12. Hi, my name should be on the right-hand side over here, and I'm currently on team Shadowblade on Kaillera.


    I'm from S. Korea, and I am currently going to a college in Idaho...


    I have a little bit of experience in roms (nothing compared to some of you, of course), and I love SNK, Samurai Shodown being my favorites.


    I stumbled upon here looking for SS5, but I think I like the atmosphere here ^^


    I'm looking forward to discussing with everyone here!

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