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Posts posted by Bambi

  1. I'm still a big fan of single player.

    While I do agree some of my best gaming memories are of multiplayer (MOHAA)

    Nothing beats an immersive single player - its like reading a book to your self.


    Single player I agree with you, like an rpg is great alone...BUT co-op is like something different, It's a group experience that cant be beaten.

  2. Rarely use aftershave (its called aftershave in the UK)

    Might have one or two sprays if im on a night out, normally though I use pit spray, i dont have very hairy armpits so i rarely smell sweaty!


    We have aftershave here in canada but it's different than cologne. I like AXE Phoenix spray, smells great and lasts all day. Just don't bathe in it or you smell wierd, a lil is enough.

  3. The Hunger Games - It was pretty awesome. Jennifer Lawrence, the lead actress, is my hero. If I were in her position I'd have done the same thing. I'm an adrenaline junkie and survival is the biggest rush. The military has had an awesome influence on me lol.



    21 Jump Street - I laughed my ass off the entire time. Those rookie cops do some funny shit and act just like you think real cops do when no ones watching. :bustedcop: Loved this movie!

  4. I have a 21" laptop and a 28" dual screen on my desktop. Very fun to slide between monitors!

    21'' laptop? :o ... Do those even exist? The largest I've ever seen is maybe 17'' or 19''.


    YUP! They do exist for $900 overpriced dollars... It was from dell. This thing should have been made of gold for what they charge.

    It's also a widescreen so some sites wrap around it for some reason...wierd.

  5. WHoooooo! I'm a veteran!


    1 thing I would have added was adding ken cinder to the staff.

    He seems to be around plenty and has been here for years. He also has plenty of knowledge for the handheld systems.

    Say what lol? Ken_Cinder has been a moderator on the forums since around 2002-2003 and is currently a User Admin.


    Whoops! I honestly never noticed the banner under his name...wow I'm getting slow lately!

  6. 7. Cop callers! Some women use the cops to keep you in a "beta" state of mind. For instance, My girl wouldnt leave my house after a quick argument, so I threw her out!! She didnt like this, not one bit. She called the cops!!! ASSHOLE! Acused me of hitting her, so the cops took me in, I answered there questions and said "If you dont want someone in your house and they wont leave how do you make them leave? do you ask them quietly and politely to go?" the cops let me go. I hate cops when it comes to relationships!! they put their nose in when you are trying to keep your alpha status. It has NOTHING to do with them, unles that girl is walking out of the house black and blue (which they never do with me) then they can keep their fucking nose OUT. (And yes some women will use the cops against you)

    Good luck, you are going to need it!


    When I read that I immediately thought of 6 girls I know who always get their own way. That abuse of the Police just to get their own way is uncalled for. NOW if it really is needed and a woman fears for her safety I can see calling then. BUT only then, Not because your being loud (Hell I can be loud when I'm mad), Not because you looked at another girl, Not because you've been drinking....and so on. Police in general will always ...ALWAYS take the girls side even if the man is beaten up. They think their all our parents and will send us to bed (A cell) for being naughty. If you do have a past history with the police remember the officers names, If they get called back again ask for a different officer to respond and state your case on why you don't want that cop around.

  7. I know Gamez fan I look back and I just say "holy fuck."

    Please for the love of god can i just have a normal strong willed woman as my next partner....


    Look for army girls, we have discipline and don't fuck around behind our men's backs.

    Plus they get payed good. You could just be atrracted to the wrong type of girl, try looking someplace different for the next one!

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