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Status Updates posted by Bambi

  1. N64... Why you being bad to me today!!

  2. 18 car pile up...I got lucky...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bambi


      I was fifth in line

    3. veristic


      ? why does this sound familiar ... anyway, glad to hear you're unharmed?

    4. Bambi


      Thank You Veristic!

  3. Ohayƍ 1Emu!!!!!

  4. If erection lasts more than 6 hours call more women!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shoma


      WHat if its less than 6 minutes!?!?!?

      *cough* not that- thats my problem or anything!

    3. emsley


      I think thats normal shoma.

    4. Shoma


      Oh!....then.....Maaaaybe that's my problem....

  5. I'm the original Viagra!

  6. Virtual Rollercoaster! REAL DIZZY!

  7. Hungover and tired from saturday...hurrah!

  8. Can't wait to go drinking and dancing with Ashlee!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Alpha


      Ah, very cool! You can if you like... doesn't really matter. I should probably set up the Facebook login system here though.

    3. Skythe


      Pics or it never happened.

    4. Bambi


      Its happening tommorow!

  9. Can't wait to go drinking and dancing with Ashlee!

  10. Why no anime on Canadian TV?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bambi


      We have 9 "cartoon networks" in canada, But none have what adult swim has.

    3. Agozer


      needs moare hentai, eh?

    4. Bambi


      I don't mind hentai as long as its over with fast...ewww

  11. That's great! How is she?

  12. I'm doing very well! How are you?

  13. Ya it's been awhile since I even checked my page. Seems like yesterday I joined... :D

  14. still no FAS!! deja vu... we've had this conversation before?!

  15. still no FAS! I hope it's back when I get back!!!!!

  16. Ha! Awesome personal statement!

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